Everybody in some part of their life may have experienced the feeling of lightheadedness, weakness, unsteadiness, and sensation of involuntary movements.
Head spinning, false sensation of swaying movements, floating movements or whirling movements is termed as vertigo. Dizziness may be a one-time episode, or it can be a long-lasting chronic medical condition.
Frequent dizziness or a chronic condition can impair the normal functioning of life. Dizziness can increase accidents while driving or operating machinery, which may prove fatal for the person himself, and the people nearby.
The person is also at risk of falling and injuring himself.

Medical Intervention
You must consult a physician, if you have recurrent episodes of vertigo and dizziness, as this is an emergency. Sometimes dizziness may be signalling that something serious is happening in your body, and all is not well at the health front.
The other accompanying symptoms may be seizures, numbness in the face, arms or legs. Walking may become severely disoriented.
Other complications may occur, like severe vomiting, speech impediment, hearing difficulties, having double vision, pain in the chest, tachycardia, bradycardia, dreadful headaches and even fall unconscious.
Dizziness is not a disease by itself but can be attributed as an outcome of activity of dysfunctional organs. By informing your doctor your exact symptoms, your medical caregiver can zero in on the likely cause of your dizziness.
Lightheadedness may be experienced when you stand up suddenly. Sometimes you may faint in the process. Feeling pale and clammy.
This happens when the flow of blood is interrupted by the brain. The causes may be varied from dehydration to a cardiac ailment, requiring urgent medical attention.
Body Imbalance
When your body loses its balance and veers off in different directions. You may be at considerable risk of getting hurt seriously.
This may be caused by an ear infection or a neurological disease. If this condition progresses, then it may be an outcome of an infected nervous system.
Non-specific dizziness
Dizziness caused by intoxication due to alcohol or drugs is also quite prevalent in the modern day scenario.

When you have a false sensation of spinning of your head or reeling, it is termed as vertigo. If it is caused by inner ear problems, it is called Peripheral vertigo.
Another medical condition known as Central vertigo may be caused as a result of the brain stem. Causes of Central vertigo may be chronic kidney diseases, stroke or multiple sclerosis.
Combined signals from the various parts of your sensory system decide your sense of balance. The trio involved in this process are:-
- Inner ear- Sensors in the inner ear, transmits signals notifying back and forth motion and perceives gravity.
- Eyes-Sensors help in the determination of the location of your body in space and its movement.
- Sensory nerves-The body’s position and movement are signalled to the brain by the sensory nerves.
Vertigo is a result of the inconsistent signals, which the brain receives from the inner ear, sensory nerves and eyes.
Vertigo caused by other medical conditions
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo when a false feeling of movement or spinning, sparked by a sudden head movement is perceived.
Vestibular neuritis, caused by a viral infection of the vestibular nerve, can cause severe vertigo. Excessive build-up of fluid in your ear may trigger Meniere’s disease, causing long-term vertigo.
Migraine patients may experience vertigo, occasionally linked with light and noise sensitivity.
Dizziness causes
- Deficiency in the circulatory system of the body. If your systolic blood pressure (first number blood pressure) drops suddenly, lightheadedness or fainting may be experienced. This may happen if you make sudden movements of standing up or sitting down. This is also known as orthostatic hypertension.
- Inadequate blood circulation, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, and transient ischaemic attacks may also cause dizziness.
- Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease can cause loss of balance in the long term.
- Dehydration and overheating, caused due to inadequate fluid intake and working in extremely hot conditions, make you feel weak and dizzy.
- Medicines like blood pressure lowering medications, anti-seizure medicines, tranquilisers, sedatives may cause dizziness.
- Anxiety may cause light-headedness in some people.
- Anaemia may be one of the reasons for dizziness.
- Insulin-dependent diabetic patients may suffer dizziness along with sweating and palpitation due to hypoglycemia. This is when the blood sugar levels fall below abnormally, suddenly due to the administration of insulin.
Nicip plus
Pain and inflammation in the ear due to an infection, which a patient experiences along with dizziness and vertigo, has to be treated with a suitable non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic.
One of the most popular medicines for relieving mild to moderate acute pain is Nicip plus(Cipla). Nicip plus is a potent Cox-2 inhibitor.
Nicip plus tablets are used to relieve pain and swelling of the tissue connecting the muscles with the bones. Nicip plus tablet contains Nimesulide 100mg+Paracetamol 500 mg, a potent combination as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic and antipyretic.
Nicip plus may also be prescribed for acute pain in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, thrombophlebitis, and dysmenorrhea. Nicip plus may be prescribed to reduce febrile conditions.
Nicip plus must be taken as per the doctor’s prescription only; overdose may prove to be dangerous. It works by obstructing Cyclooxygenase production thereby inhibiting the prostaglandin production.
Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandins, are instrumental in aggravating acute pain and inflammation. Nicip plus provide speedy relief within fifteen minutes.
The dose advocated by the companies is one or two tablets per day, along with or after food intake. It is very effective for short-term relief of mild to moderate pain.
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The course of the treatment with this tablet, should not exceed fifteen days, as this may cause undesirable side effects. Nimcip plus should not be prescribed to patients below twelve years of age.
Nimcip plus. Consumption may cause some minor side effects like nausea, acidity, vomiting and stomach cramps. Allergic reactions like rashes, hives, facial swelling are also observed in certain patients.
Special precautions while taking Nimcip plus:-
Renal impairment, heart failure, alcohol abuse, colitis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, gastric ulcer, diabetes mellitus, haemorrhoids, hepatic failure, rectal bleeding.
Contraindication:-Hypersensitivity to this tablet, active peptic ulcer disease, hepatic impairment. Nicip plus should not be taken by patients as an anti-inflammatory analgesic, who have undergone CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass surgery.