CBD for Army Veterans: How CBD Can Help in Cases of PTSD, Anxiety and Trauma 

Please note: the use of CBD for medical or recreational purposes may be illegal in your country.

According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 20 veterans commit suicide each day.

This is not surprising, since life-threatening events, such a military combat, often lead to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

The good news is that CBD or cannabidiol, can help veterans deal with their past traumas. Here is how.

Image source: pexels.com

So What’s the Story With CBD

CBD is one of the 113 naturally-occurring cannabinoids in the cannabis sativa plant or marijuana. One of the other cannabinoids in the said plant is tetrahydrocannabinol, THC—this is the compound associated with the psycho-active properties of marijuana. Since CBD products generally contain minuscule amounts of THC, they can give you the health benefits of cannabis without the side effects, or the high.

In the USA, the Farm Bill Act legalized CBD derived from hemp as long as it contains less than 0.3 percent of THC. In the UK, CBD is legal so long as it contains no more than 0.2 percent of THC, a controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, and has been derived from “an industrial hemp strain that is EU-approved or comes from outside the EU.”

CBD for PTSD, Anxiety and Trauma

PTSD can manifest in a variety of ways, and if untreated can lead to anxiety and depression. Some of the symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, insomnia, headaches, hypervigilance, difficulty concentrating and emotional detachment. PTSD can also have physical symptoms including increased heart rate, shortness of breath, tremors and even memory loss.

CBD for PTSD works by reducing chemical responses that can produce anxiety and depression, both of which are associated with the condition. CBD can also help to block certain mood receptors, regulating the stress hormone, promoting natural sleep hormones and minimizing reconsolidation memories or flashbacks.

In particular, research indicates that CBD targets receptors in the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in extinction learning, or a gradual reduction in response to a stimulus. In other words, CBD can also help to reprogram the brain’s response to events that trigger stress and anxiety.

Unlike antidepressants and some other medication, CBD has very few side effects. While some people may experience dizziness or drowsiness after taking CBD, this is uncommon. In addition, CBD comes in a variety of forms, from oils and tablets to vapes and edibles. Some CBD products even contain other supplements such as magnesium, L-Theanine, vitamin D and ashwagandha, which has also been credited with reducing stress and anxiety. Consult your doctor, if you have any questions about the effects or legality of CBD.


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