Blood Pressure Calculator


Blood pressure is an important and vital health indicator. High blood pressure (arterial hypertension) may cause changes to blood vessels, resulting in Atherosclerosis, also known as “hardening of the arteries”. Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of stroke, heart attacks and peripheral vascular disease.

Check your BP value with our blood pressure calculator.

How to use blood pressure calculator
Calculate blood pressure
How to measure blood pressure
Blood pressure chart

Calculate blood pressure

Use the tool provided below to find out whether your blood pressure is low, normal or high. Consult your personal doctor for more information on blood pressure and possible complications of high / low blood pressure. This tool may be used for orientation purposes only.

Blood Pressure Calculator

Input your values below.
Systolic blood pressure:
Diastolic blood pressure:
Your blood pressure is
Your heart rate:
Check heart rate:
Your heart rate is

You can also compare your blood pressure level against a blood pressure chart.

Keywords: blood pressure, blood pressure calculator, blood pressure calculator for men and woman, blood pressure chart

How to use blood pressure calculator

Please input your systolic and diastolic blood pressure values into the tool provided below. For more information on blood pressure check out these useful links:
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure

How to measure blood pressure

  • Before measurement it is necessary to calm down – sit down for 5 minutes.
  • The measurement should always be performed before eating (not on a full stomach) and every day at about the same time. Before measurement it is also not advisable to drink coffee, alcohol or smoke cigarettes.
  • Cuff must be placed correctly – if measuring on the arm cuff should be placed above the elbow (elbow and cuff should be 2 fingers apart). If wrist cuff is used it should be placed one finger above the wrist. Cuff must always be placed on the left arm as heart is on the left side of your chest. There are some rare occasions where people are born with heart on the right side of chest. In that case, cuff must be placed on the right arm.
  • If you are very obese a wrist measurement is more handy.
  • It is very important to know that when performing measurement of blood pressure you need to set the meter to at least 40 mmHg higher pressure than your normal upper blood pressure is. If your normal systolic blood pressure is about 150 mmHg set your meter to least 190 mmHg. In semi-automatic blood pressure meter you can do this manually by pumping the air into cuff, on automatic meter this value is set by a button.
  • Take a few minutes between two consecutive measurements as blood vessels needs to expand properly again otherwise the second measurement will always be lower than the first.
  • Be aware that blood pressure normally fluctuates and two consecutive measurements will not show same result. That’s normal.
  • Patients with arrhythmia will usually get false results using electronic pressure gauge. The possibility of arrhythmia must be considered whenever the measurement shows “impossible” values, for example 150/135 mmHg. In that case it’s better to buy a classic mercury pressure gauges to obtain proper blood pressure value.
  • Enter your daily measurements of blood pressure into a special chart (chart usually comes with a purchase of the device). This information is very useful for your doctor and yourself.
  • For most reliable measurements it is recommended that you take your blood pressure meter to an authorized service center where they will re-calibrate it for you. Do this at least once per year.

If you have increased blood pressure you must act to lower it! More information on lowering blood pressure.

Average blood pressure by age chart

Age in years Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)
3, 4, 5, 6 116 75
7, 8, 9, 10 121 77
11, 12, 13 125 82
14, 15, 16 136 87
17, 18, 19 120 85
20, 21, 22, 23, 24 120 79
25, 26, 27, 28, 29 120 80
30, 31, 32, 33, 34 122 81
35, 36, 37, 38, 39 123 81
40, 41, 42, 43, 44 125 83
45, 46, 47, 48, 49 125 84
50, 51, 53, 54 128 85
55, 56, 57, 58, 59 131 86
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 134 87

Values are averages.


  1. Hi
    My blood pressure is 158/123 pulse 90 I am 52 years old with congestive heart failure, Diabetic and COPD
    With this covid-19 going around I do not want to go to the hospital

  2. My blood pressure is 86/69 with heart rate of 138. No physical activity before. Just walking a little. What does this mean? I am dehydrated but not hospital worthy.

  3. My blood pressure was always 100 or below systolic and 60 or below diastolic, HR below 60. I\’m 46 years old and today my b/p is 101/75, HR 75. I know it\’s normal, but I feel the difference. I was at rest while taking my b/p, so it may very well be higher during activity. My pressure is slowly changing.

  4. I’m a 31 year old male 5’9” tall weighed 155.6 within the hour at the emergency room (had a piece of metal in my eye) my blood pressure showed 157/98 could this have anything to do with almost dying in 2009? I know my body went thru a lot to get back to normal but have been being told my blood pressure is High whenever it’s taken.

  5. My recent bp was 120/90. Twas taken by my sister. But as i was monitoring my rate, from day 1 (nov 2017) 130/100 day 2 (nov 2017) 110/80 . Then i stopped checkng it. Took betahistine for my vertigo and then aftr 7 days im fine. January1 2018 went palpitating and again i felt so numb on my nape. Then, started to get dizzy, and aftr getting sick coz of dry cough and swollen throat my bp started to increase again,120/90 then went to dr she said i have to do ff ups. Took amlodipine, went down to 110/80 and then went 120/90 for 2days untl now. We have a history of hypertension, grandma died coz of this. Grandpa has it, also my father… 3 of my mom\’s siblings has it as well. Ive been also suspected to have the diabetes coz we have it as well. Any advice? I still cant accept what my doctor told me. Had an ecg but its normal. Im working on a call center field. Having 3-4hrs of sleep only

    • Does your heart rate noticeably increase upon standing? Does your blood pool in your extremities? Do you get dizzy when doing basic tasks or standing up? Based on what u said d if your answer is yes to my questions, you should look Into a condition called POTS: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Its a chronic condition and can run in the family.

    • Hello,
      currently age factor is not considered in the calculation. Please note that for men in middle age, or about age 45 or more, high blood pressure is more common. Women are more prone to high blood pressure after the age of 65.
      Please refer to the Average Blood Pressure By Age Chart at the bottom of the article.

  6. Hello I am 74 years old and I am checking each day blood pressure for Doctor. I have been taking these readings at home and I was satisfied with them. Went to Pharmacy yesterday and the reading was 159/100 and pulse rate 79. How is it so different from home. The 100 is very high and what does that mean?


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