Weight Loss Calculator


Weight loss calculator helps you calculate approximate daily calorie intake needed for effective weight loss. Our tool takes into account your height, weight and age and calculates the needed daily calorie intake based on level of your activity.

How to use weight loss calculator?
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How our tool calculate values?


How to use weight loss calculator

If you want to calculate your daily calorie intake and your weight loss plan, please provide following information: your age, your height, your weight and your target weight.

The tool will then calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and based on this calculation it will display how much calories you should consume per day. It will also show you different diet plans (more agressive diet plans).

We suggest you follow plan A or plan B. Plan C and D are not suitable for everyone. Consult your doctor for more information.

Weight loss calculator

Calculate your weight loss plan. Get basic information on how should your diet look like. The less calorie the better is not always true!

Input your characteristics and find out your daily calorie intake. This tool is not 100% accurate. For accurate results consult a nutrition specialist.

Note: When entering height in foot and inches please only use 2 digits. Example: height of 6 foot and 1.5 inch should be entered as 6 foot 2 inches.

Weight Loss Calculator

Select metric / imperial:
Your sex:
Your age:
in years. Example “35”
Your height:
in centimeters (cm)
Your weight:
in kilograms (kg)
Your target weight:
in kilograms (kg)
I plan on exercising:
Calculate your weight loss plan:
Your daily calorie intake should be: calories in order to maintain your weight.
Based on level of activity, you can lose your weight in following time frame:
Plan A:
15% caloric deficit (safest): You can lose desired weight in days. You should daily consume calories.
Plan B:
20% caloric deficit (recommended); You can lose desired weight in days. You should daily consume calories.
Plan C:
30% caloric deficit (fast results); You can lose desired weight in days. You should daily consume calories.
Plan D:
40% caloric deficit (extreme diet, consult a professional); You can lose desired weight in days. You should daily consume calories.
You need to follow proper diet in order to achieve maximum results! Also bare in mind that plan C and D are based on 30% and 40% calorie deficit which can have negative effects on your metabolism and your overall health. Consult your doctor before proceeding with such plan.

How our tool calculate values?


We use simple calculation based on factors like age, weight, height. This tool does not take into account the density of your bones, muscle mass etc so the results are not very accurate, but a mere approximation. Use this information to get an idea as to how should your diet look like.

Keywords: weight loss, weight loss calculator, calculate weight loss plan, man and woman weight loss calculator, kilogram, pound, height, weight, how to lose weight calculator

End of article


  1. The calculations answer says NaN days and NaN Calories. What is NaN.

    Not helpful at all since have no idea what the actual number of calories or days.

    • Hello,
      please be careful when entering your height or weight into the tool. If you are entering your height in imperial calculator be sure not to use comma, instead use the dot to separate feet and inch.
      Example: a height of 6’2″ should be entered as 6.2 (without any special characters).


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