Taking the plunge to undergo plastic surgery is something that many people will consider at some point in their lives.
After all, after years of eating and drinking as we please, there is a chance that we may have built up a bit of extra fat that we would rather be rid of.
As we approach middle age, it is an option that we have available to us to undergo some plastic surgery procedures, because time and money allow it, and because we’re worth it!
Changing lifestyle is essential
With any surgical procedure, there are some lifestyle changes that we need to undergo in order to make sure that we’re completely ready for the physical pressure of having surgery on our bodies. Making sure that you’re in peak physical condition is going to go a long way towards making sure that the recovery time is minimal and that the outcomes are optimal!

Stop smoking
When you smoke, you’re placing your body at risk of serious complications and these can affect the way in which your body recovers after surgery. It is advised that you stop smoking at the very least four weeks prior to your surgery, and that you don’t continue to smoke after your surgical procedure is complete. In addition to quitting smoking, stop drinking prior to your surgery, and then drink in moderation as you recover from your surgical procedure.
Eat a well balanced and healthy diet
It’s a vital part of your surgical preparation that you are eating well and healthily as this is going to place you in the best possible stead for a great recovery. Making sure that you have plenty of energy and strength is going to go a long way to helping you recover well – so you should supplement your diet with foods that are rich in Vitamin A and C, with plenty of zinc, copper and selenium.
These nutrients are going to help to promote good tissue healing and will build up your immune system sufficiently, so that you can reduce the risk of getting an infection after your surgery. You’ll find that eating plenty of protein is also going to help with repairing the injured tissue after your surgery.
Get plenty of exercise if possible
In addition to eating a balanced diet, you should be exercising and keeping fit as this will help you to recover faster. You should also return to exercise as soon as possible (as advised by your doctor) as this will promote a quicker recovery.
Avoid aspirin
Taking aspirin and other blood-thinning medications can interfere with the body’s usual blood-clotting mechanisms and can put you at risk of enduring excessive bleeding and other kinds of bruising. Plus, certain medications can react with the anaesthetic that you’ll be undergoing, and so you should consult with your doctor or surgeon to find out what to avoid prior and post surgery for optimal healing time.
Get ready emotionally
This is a big decision for you, and so you need to be ready emotionally for the possible downtime and the appearance of your body as you recover. Being ready emotionally will mean that you’ll be more positive and able to deal with the possible setbacks.
Your recovery time may be days or weeks and so it’s vital you’re aware of this. Your doctor can help you to prepare.
Hopefully this is a helpful resource for you and something that will be of use when you’re preparing your lifestyle to change for the surgery you are undertaking.