With so many Americans suffering from drug and alcohol addiction, it’s hard to know where to begin when it comes to recovery.
Studies show that the best rates for long-term recovery are found when patients participate in addiction recovery programs. These programs provide quality support throughout the addiction recovery process so patients can finally reclaim their lives.
Not all detox programs are created equally, unfortunately. Many claim to be based around patients’ wellness but really exist for-profit alone. That’s why it’s essential you understand what to look for in drug and addiction programs so you can select the right one for you or your loved one.
Understanding the Recovery Process
First, you need to know how the recovery process works for addictions to substances like drugs and alcohol. While it’s possible to quit these harmful things on one’s own, it’s valuable to have extra support when things get difficult. These programs exist with this support in mind.
During addiction recovery, the body detoxifies. While this will bring the body closer to a toxin-free state, it also comes with many side effects that make staying sober even more challenging. Having access to therapy, support groups, and a safe space provides many lasting benefits for those struggling to overcome addiction.
Types of Detox Programs
There are two main types of programs for those struggling with addiction: inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient programs are known for offering the highest level of support since patients will stay in a recovery center for a serious of days. These stays can be as short as 24 hours or as long as several weeks, depending on whatever is more beneficial to the patient.
With inpatient programs, patients receive team member and professional support around the clock to help with drug detox. That means they always have access to professionals and physicians who can provide the right assistance to overcome any side effects. Ultimately, these programs provide a safe space for those addicted to drugs or alcohol. Not only will they have no access to their addictive substances while in these detox programs, but they will be surrounded by understanding individuals.
Many inpatient programs today come with a variety of luxury benefits that provide even more mental wellness support. Amenities might include therapy sessions with certified professionals, exercise facilities, and planned activities. Even after patients leave these inpatient centers, they’re expected to continue to utilize support like group meetings and therapy to continue their success.
Outpatient recovery programs offer a less comprehensive level of support than inpatient. Unlike inpatient detox programs, those facing addiction will not live in a treatment center. Instead, they will have access to support and tools at similar facilities which they will access on their own. These are ideal detoxes for those who have support on their own and do not need as much formal structure to escape addiction.
Outpatient programs usually still require frequent check-ins at a clinic or treatment center. They will likely still be exposed to group meeting and therapy sessions to ensure they’re on track with their goals. While outpatient recovery is not a smart option for everyone, it can be a useful resource for those who do not need an extensive recovery plan.
Which Program is Best?
There is no single program or method of treatment that is considered to be the best. Research shows inpatient therapy to be most successful in the long-term, but this depends on a number of factors. Most detox options involve a level of substance abuse education, relapse protection, medication, and support groups.
The main factors to consider is what support the patient already has and the extent drug or alcohol abuse. Note that the extent of abuse might not depend on how long the patient has been using. Always consult a doctor for the best recommendation regarding inpatient or outpatient support programs. Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious program, but it doesn’t have to mean you or your loved one are out of options.