About 70% of adults are overweight (the percentage includes overweight and obese persons). Lack of exercise and wrong eating habits lead to excessive weight. You can deal with excessive weight in several ways, but whatever you do, don’t push yourself too hard and don’t expect results over night.
So, how to approach weight loss? You probably know that just by sitting in your couch your body isn’t burning much calories (it still burns some). And, at the end of the day, it is all about numbers.
The amount of calories you consume minus the amount of calories you burn equals your weight gain / weight loss.

Let’s look at some examples
But before that here’s some basic information / facts you should know of. 1 kilogram of fat equals 9000 calories / 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories.
All extra calories at the end of the day turns to fat, resulting in extra body fat.
Please note – below examples are idealized.
Example 1:
If you eat 3000 calories per day and you burn 3000 calories per day that means you maintained your weight. 3000 calories minus 3000 calories = 0 calories. You have 0 extra calories. Extra calories turn to fat at the end of the day.
Example 2:
If you eat 3000 calories per day and only burn 2500 calories per day that means that those 500 unburned calories will stay in your body as a reserve. Reserve equals extra body fat.
3000 calories minus 2500 calories = 500 calories of extra energy.
You just gained 500 calories = 55 grams / 0.14 pound of extra weight (fat).
Example 3:
If you eat 3000 calories per day and burn 3500 calories per day that means you burned more energy than you obtained with food. Your body had to burn additional 500 calories from your reserve. That means you just lost about 500 calories of extra fat (not whole 500 calories were obtained from stored fat though).
3000 calories – 3500 calories = -500 calories.
You just lost -500 / 3500 calories = 55 grams / 0.14 pound of extra weight (fat).
Here’s more math for you.
1 kilogram of fat (1000 grams) equals about 9000 calories / 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories. For you to lose 1 kilogram of fat you need to burn 9000 calories. To lose 1 pound of fat you need to burn 3500 calories.
This tool will calculate your personal weight loss plan. Try it out – Weight loss calculator
How to burn those calories? Well, follow above example number 3!
You can do that in 3 ways. Either eat less (lower you calorie intake), workout more (increase the amount of calories you burn) or do both – eat less and workout more.
Again, more math:
9000 calories / 500 calories = 18 days! You can lose 1 kilogram of fat in 18 days if you follow example 3!
3500 calories / 500 calories = 7 days! You can lose 1 pound of fat in 7 days if you follow example 3.
In addition, there is a tool available on our site that will calculate your personal weight loss plan. Try it out – Weight loss calculator
Which workouts are effective for weight loss
To burn extra fat most efficiently you need to adapt your diet and your workout! Which is best workout for losing weight? That would be running! Why? Because running is so affordable.
All you need is pair of shorts, t-shirt, socks and running shoes. Good weather is a plus. It’s good to have a heart rate monitor too – to monitor your pulse. You don’t want to over-train yourself! Refer to heart rate zones calculator for more information.
Other effective workouts for weight loss are:
- cycling,
- swimming,
- hiking,
- skiing…
Running is one of the best workouts for weight loss! And it works! You just need to be patient. Results won’t come over night. Without running (or any other physical activity for that matter) it will be difficult for you to achieve the strong and shaped body your really want.
Running enhances your overall health and protects you from heart disease, lowers high blood pressure and prevents development of certain types of cancer.
Going for a run already? Here’s some tips for an optimal workout:
- It is ideal to go for a run in the morning or in the evening (but not too late in the evening, otherwise you will not be able to fall asleep later).
- If you’re a beginner give yourself some time and run slowly for first few weeks. Results will come for sure, but for some it takes more effort. It’s important not to give up!
- For start you can go for a workout 3 times per week (every consecutive day). After a while you go for an exercise 5 times per week. It is not advisable to exercise (run) every day as you body needs rest too.
- In first few weeks run shorter distances, then, after a while when your body adapts you can run longer distances.
- Listen to your body. Don’t overdo yourself. Pay attention to your heart rate while running – is your heart rate too high? Lower your intensity a bit.
- Optimal heart rate for efficient weight loss when running is between 60-75% of your max heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is about “220 minus your age”. If you’re 40 your max heart rate should be around 180 (220-40=180).
Now that you regularly exercise you need to adapt your diet, too.
Here’s some quick tips on how to make your diet more healthy.
- Enrich your diet with vegetables, fruit, meat (chicken meat, red meat, horse meat – basically any low-fat meat) and diary products. Avoid sweets, food with a lot of (saturated) fat and salty foods.
- Make sure you include healthy fat such as olive oil, fish oil or flaxseed oil in your diet. Walnuts or hazelnuts are a very good source of fat (and protein) too.
- Eat at least 4 meals smaller per day, ideally 5 or more.
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol.
- Make sure your intake of minerals and vitamins is adequate.
- Drink enough water.
This Is it. Not so short, but still easy to read and understand. Please share this article if you find it useful. If you have questions you can post them below
I have been trying to figure this out.
I use myfitnesspal app to track my food and exercise.
I basically eat 1100-1200 calories a day ( even though my calorie counter says to intake 1390).
I burn 500-600 calories at the gym.
I am confused because I’m being told to burn more than I consume so does that mean I have to burn well over 1000 calories ? I’m worn out just after burning 600 a session..
and I’ve been told that consuming too little calories is dangerous like if I only ate 500 calories a day and burned 5-600 that day I would lose weight? I need help because I want to lose weight healthy and not put myself in an unhealthy regimen.
Ashley .
You might don’t know that the body (muscles and organs) burns 2000-3000 calories a day just to maintain working so if you burn 500 calories at the gym and your body burns 2000 and you consume 1100 calories this means:
2000+500-1100 = 1400 calories burned.