How Healthy Lifestyle Affects Student Essay Writing Performance

First of all, if you are reading this, you are genuinely interested in increasing your essay writing performance, and you realize that not only studying can do the trick. And you are right! Two years ago, Mohammad Haidari, Mina Shirvani, and their academic peers published the article “Relationship of Lifestyle with Academic Achievement in Nursing Students” and proved that academic performance is highly dependent on your lifestyle.

Of course, they were not the first to do it, and their study related to students of other faculties as well.

Taking into account their work and another article published by NCBI, we offer you a brief summary of how you can write better essays thanks to healthier living.

Exercising; Image source:

Fitness and Activity

A study conducted by the Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment proved that the opportunity of school children to spend their recess and after school time actively is reduced for some reason, their academic performance drops. Concentration suffers the worst — with the reduction of physical activity by 20%, the ability to concentrate drops almost to half. And concentration is necessary for any mental activity.

Another research, the one dedicated to nursing students and their performance, also proves that physical activity is necessary for adequate brain activity. WHO recommends not less than 150 minutes of cardio activity per week. In 2018 WHO representatives claimed that to reduce risks of cardiac diseases and other problems related to the sedentary lifestyle, they tend to increase recommendations to 300 minutes. Five hours per week, you should be involved in some rather intense physical activity to meet that criterion. For students spending days in classes, libraries, and later in front of a PC, this number should look rather frightening.

When you add at least 150 extra activities per week, your ability to solve academic tasks increases dramatically. Of course, there always will be situations in which you need some extra writing help because the deadline is too close, and there are too many assignments to deal with. In these cases, you can benefit from a classic “paying someone to write my essay” strategy, and get a quality paper on time. However, adding some physical activity to your day will decrease the necessity to look for help with your papers.

Healthy Eating is a Must

Your brain is just another organ of your body that needs nutrition and struggles when not being feel good enough. You can’t ignore its needs, and later ask yourself why you can’t concentrate on work and why your essay writing doesn’t get better from one day to another. You have to care about nutrition to be able to deal with daily tasks.

At least one whole meal a day is a must. Of course, it would be great if you could have three whole meals a day, but we are not living a dream here and now. Students don’t care that much about healthy food, so we will focus on one good meal. Look at the MyPlate system and try to implement it in your daily life.

Cut on sugars. Again, we realize that it is impossible to cut on the entire sugar intake once and forever. However, the increased amount of sugar in your diet causes mood swings and problems with concentration. Stop having soft drinks all day long, forget about “healthy” juices, and cut on sauces to your food — it will be enough for starters.

It is a must to add Omega-3 to your nutrition plan. We don’t insist on you buying some expensive supplements. You can start with some basic ones, or change your diet accordingly and get everything from the food. Unfortunately, quality Omega-3 nutrients can be mostly found in fish, and we doubt you are going to cook some trout or salmon every day on your campus.

B-complex is also a must. It can help seriously maintain your cognitive abilities throughout the day. Neurologists claim that more and more people require vitamin B as supplements. Of course, you can discuss it with your doctor first, but most probably, he or she will agree with this recommendation.

A healthy lifestyle has an impact on your academic performance. If you stay active and improve your eating patterns, add some supplements, you will be much more efficient and productive in general, and in essay writing in particular.



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