Measure your blood sugar levels frequently

Glucose is the simplest and most important sugar in the human body. Its concentration in the blood is one of the most important indicators that shows the overall health of our body.

In a healthy person the level of blood glucose on an empty stomach should be somewhere in between 4-6 mmol/l. Fluctuation of blood sugar levels in your body is controlled by hormones.

Keywords: diabetes, blood sugar, blood sugar levels chart, glucose, blood glucose levels, blood

One of them is insulin, which main function is to maintain normal blood glucose levels. If you have a disease that impedes the formation of insulin (example pancreatic disease), this can lead to excessive levels of blood glucose. We say that we have increased sugar.

People usually don’t notice this until symptoms start to show. When we have slightly elevated sugar this causes almost no problems, problems do occur when blood glucose is significantly increased.

Measuring blood sugar levels is therefore a very important preventive measure because we can identify the disease at an early stage, which is also important for the treatment.

measuring blood sugar levelsThe easiest way to measure blood sugar is to use fingerprick testing tool. You can than compare results to blood glucose levels chart.

Make measurements of your blood sugar levels and compare blood sugar levels with a blood sugar levels chart. Diabetes is a disease of modern lifestyle. It is one of the most common diseases in the world and the number of people affected by diabetes is even growing.

Frequent urination, thirst, fatigue, visual disturbances

Diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are persistently elevated. And because the disease “does not hurt”, it is sometimes difficult to recognize it.

Each individual should pay attention to the following symptoms that could be a sign of increased levels of sugar in blood. This symptoms are frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, visual disturbances, fatigue, itchy skin or genitals, increased susceptibility to infections.

For moderately high blood sugar symptoms are not present or they may even be absent. Always compare your blood sugar results with a blood sugar levels chart

Level of sugar in blood can fluctuate due to various factors, such as use of drugs, alcohol, diet, stress, high blood pressure, smoking. Although there are several types of diabetes, the best known and most common are the following three types.
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by a lack of insulin due to reduced formation of insulin in pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance. This is the condition of the organism where the cells do not respond to the presence of insulin, and therefore do not use glucose. Also, transient hyperglycemia can occur during pregnancy. It is present at 4% of pregnant women and can lead to diabetes type 2 in the future.

What are the factors that increase the chance that we get sick of type 2 diabetes?
Age is one of them, as 90% of people who are resistant to insulin are older than 40 years. With age, the possibility of morbidity increases, although recently the disease can occurs with younger people too. Higher risk of developing the disease is also present in people who are overweight.

The research results shows a large correlation of physical inactivity and the development of disease. Among the more vulnerable are also those in which the diabetes runs in the family. Always remember to do measurements of your blood sugar levels and compare results with a blood sugar levels chart.



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