6 Most Common Medical Emergencies to Prepare For

Life can be unpredictable. We never know what could happen when to any of us. That is why it is always best to be prepared for such incidents beforehand so they don’t come to us as a shock.

The first step to preparedness is to know what exactly you could come across and the most common types of medical emergencies most families have experienced.

medical emergency
Person lying on hospital bed. Image source: pexels.com

This article will mainly discuss medical emergencies and a few ways to deal with them. Some of the medical procedures for treatment can be costly. In that case, getting a loan for a medical emergency is the best option. Here are some of the most common medical emergencies that people experience.


Bleeding can be severe depending on the type of wound and cut you get. However, in most accidents, bleeding can be internal and need immediate action. Take the patient to the hospital emergency to get a few further tests done to see what is causing internal bleeding.

Most people would try to treat this at home using a first aid kit or going to a GP. In some cases, you might not be able to control the bleeding even after delivering first aid treatment, see an object within the wound, or see the tissue or bone. In such cases, t is necessary to go to the hospital to prevent further blood loss.

Breathing Difficulties

Image source: pexels.com

Some people are born with it, while others develop it over time due to age and various other reasons. Some of the most common cases where people may experience difficulties breathing are coughs, colds, asthma attacks or some allergic reaction.

If someone is experiencing breathing difficulties, they may also experience other symptoms alongside it. These symptoms include pain in the chest when taking deep breaths, feeling the chest tightening, shallower breathing, and faster than normal or noisy breathing with a wheeze gasp or whistle.

The best way to deal with such is to remain calm, as panicking would worsen your breathing situation. Call the ambulance and go to the hospital as quickly as possible.


If someone has collapsed, this may be a warning sign and are likely to need medical attention. In most cases of collapsing, the level of consciousness and breathing could be affected. Several reasons could cause someone to collapse, and only a medical professional could understand why.

If someone has lost consciousness, call the ambulance and check their breathing. The person is not at risk if there are no signs of breathing difficulties. However, if there are, they need medical attention immediately.

Severe Pain

Everyone experiences some pain; it may be due to injury, but everyone has a different threshold to pain. If the pain is mild, in most cases, a simple painkiller would do the job and lessen the pain. However, some pains occur suddenly and increase over time; this may also prevent them from carrying out normal daily activities.

In that case, visit a medical professional and get a check-up done. Severe pain is not normal and should be taken seriously.

Heart Attack

Image source: pexels.com

A heart attack is a life-threatening situation. They are most commonly seen in adults. However, these days, there are cases of children and teenagers coming in with this problem. Keep all the emergency numbers prepared because immediate action is needed if a heart attack occurs.

Check for the following symptoms if you see someone has a heart attack;

  • Chest pain, feeling pressure, tightness or squeezing in the centre of the chest.
  • Pain in the left arm radiating from the chest to the arm. In a few cases, patients have complained to feel pain in both arms and the neck, jaw, back and stomach.
  • Breathing difficulties and shortness of breath.
  • Wheezing
  • Feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

A Stroke

A stroke is a life-threatening condition due to a lack of blood supply to part of the brain. In such cases, immediate action is needed; the sooner someone receives emergency medical treatment, the more the chances of lasting damage are reduced. Look for signs such as have their facial features changed, has their speech changed, can they lift both arms or not. These signs would indicate if it’s a stroke or not.

The Bottom Line

Medical emergencies can happen to anyone at any time, and that is why it is crucial to stay mentally and financially prepared during that time. If the procedure is costly, you can even opt for loans, but treatment is necessary in such cases.



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