Millions of Americans are plagued by constant worry and stress, held back from daily activities by anxiety disorders.
They avoid large groups, chose to stay home or give up on dreams because a nagging fear lingers in their head, often manifesting in physical symptoms.
Whether constantly fretting over simple decisions, enduring tightness in the chest, or simply trying to breathe, this mental affliction prevents people from living a normal life.
While seeing a doctor for professorial help, current research indicates that therapy and natural supplements could benefit sufferers.

Here are 4 things to ask your physician about using natural remedies to ease stress levels and symptoms.
Increase Magnesium

This vitamin is known to work with both the heart and head, encouraging a calm nature and decreasing stress levels. How is that possible?
The nutrient acts as a guard, preventing the brain from overworking, creating too much excitement. Furthermore, as the body undergoes trauma or strain, people release cortisol, a stress hormone. Magnesium, though, has the ability to stop this buildup, keeping people level-headed; therefore, a diet high in magnesium could be useful in reducing anxious feelings.
The following foods could help boost this nutrient level in your system:
- Dark chocolate
- Spinach
- Bananas
- Avocado
- Nuts
- Beans
Fixing a nutrient depletion through diet can be difficult, so you may consider purchasing fda approved vitamins to elevate magnesium levels. You might also buy bags of Epsom salt to add to your bath. Relax in the tub, knowing you’re doing the body and mind some good.
Take CBD
Similar to magnesium, cannabidiol (CBD) is an organic element that works with neurotransmitters in the brain, working to control serotonin levels. It is this action that scientists believe could help fight both depression and anxiety.
Speak with a doctor before purchasing private label supplements, discussing recommendation levels and side effects.
Add Exercise

Working out isn’t just about getting physically fit. It also improves mental attitude. As the mind focuses on problems, the body becomes worn down, producing signs of depression and exhaustion. It is at this time when your body feels depleted, that exercise might be the best thing for you.
Rather than wallowing on the sofa, choosing a quick stroll around the neighborhood could elevate your endorphins, fighting off tension and stimulating attention. Make this a long term solution by building in a regime that raises your heart rate. Choose cardio activities such as 30-minute walks, morning jogs or exercise classes at the gym.
Get Sleep

If you’re a worrier, you probably get little sleep. The minute your head hits the pillow thoughts start swirling, and an active brain such as this could mean an inability to shut down for the night. While anxiety can prevent getting a good night’s sleep, long term loss of sleep can also produce anxiety. In some ways, that makes sleep and anxiety a chicken versus the egg scenario.
No matter the catalyst, the body needs to shut down in order to fight off stress and prepare for the next day; therefore, pick a time at night to begin a wind-down procedure. First, cut off your caffeine and alcohol intake; instead, try a cup of herbal tea. Then, shut down technology (including the television), particularly avoiding social media; instead, keep focused on staying quiet and calm. Select some activities that relax you such as reading a book, performing some yoga moves or listening to calm music. When your body feels tired, go to bed.
You aren’t alone. Anxiety is hard, affecting how people think and feel. Don’t hesitate to speak with a doctor about your symptoms. Support is available.