If you are already established fitness model or a coach, expanding your business to Instagram can be an excellent additional source of income, or your only source of income if you play your cards right.
Many Instragram celebrities make a very good living from their activity online and there’s a good chance you can, too.

Find Sponsors
First and maybe the best option is to find a sponsor. However, be careful. If you successfully managed to gather a decent amount of followers companies will start contacting you. That can be tricky. You might feel forced to endorse a product you do not like. Try not to do that.
Ask a company to try out their product, and take some time to decide whether you like it or not. Your audience wants a genuine opinion. They trust you. The last thing you need is to start losing followers because you recommended a crappy supplement or lousy workout gear. Sponsored posts can get you a couple of hundreds of dollars per month. Not bad right?
Affiliate Marketing
As an affiliate, you will be selling a product of a particular brand in exchange for a commission. The company will provide you with a code you will later include in the image caption.
For instance, you will recommend running sneakers to your followers and offer them the code so they can get a discount. When it comes to affiliate marketing, you will get paid per sale, and not per post as in the previous example.
Famous Fitness Instagrammers
Kayla Itsines is one of the most popular fitness Instagrammers. This Australian trainer has over 9 million followers. She is also a co-founder of Bikini Body Guides. You can see all kinds of fitness advice in her feed, as well as a glimpse of her personal life.
Joe Wicks is the highest paid fitness guru on Instagram. His estimated net worth goes over 16 million dollars. On Wick’s Instagram account The Body Coach, you can find images and videos of former couch potatoes turning their lives around.
Sommer Ray is another lady from Instagram famous for her fitness account. Sommer’s managed to build a social media empire at the age of 21, and now she earns almost 30,000 USD per post.
The Honorary Mention
We cannot talk about fitness Instagrammers without mentioning Dwayne The Rock Johnson. He is a constant inspiration for fitness experts as well as beginners. In his funny and inspiring videos, you can find exercising advice and personal stories.
Anywaaay… Back from Dwayne-Johnson-land… If you’ve already managed to establish your brand on Instagram and gain a decent amount of followers, you probably won’t have issues with earning extra cash from sponsored and affiliate posts.
Even after you’ve lost interest in the social media business, you can always sell the account. But, whatever option you choose, never endorse or sell products you know are not useful for your audience. They do not call you an influencer for nothing. Your followers trust your judgment and your advice, especially when it comes to health and fitness.
The quickest way
There are some tricks you can apply to get famous faster – see Income Artist’s guide for more details. As with everything it is up to you to decide on which approach you will take. Remember, Rome wasn’t build in a day!
Revision 7.2.2021 – dead link removed