Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors
The Bartholin glands are located on both sides of the vaginal opening. They secrete fluids that help lubricate thevagina. If the glands are blocked for any reason, a round swelling called a cyst may develop.
What is going on in the body?
The Bartholin gland ducts drain the fluid made by the glands. These ducts may become blocked due to infectionor chronic inflammation. When a duct is blocked, the gland fills with fluid. This forms a cyst. The cyst can grow from verysmall to the size of a golf ball. Occasionally, the cyst itself may become infected, and a pocket of pus, called an abscess, develops.
What are the causes and risks of the condition?
The main causes of this condition include:
In many cases, the cause is unknown. Several different bacteria may cause a Bartholin abscess.
Symptoms & Signs
What are the signs and symptoms of the condition?
The main symptom of this condition is a painless lump on one side of the vaginal opening. In some cases,discomfort while walking, sitting, or having sex may occur. If an abscess forms, the lump may become swollen, red, warm,and tender.
Diagnosis & Tests
How is the condition diagnosed?
A pelvic exam is all that isgenerally needed to diagnose this condition.
Prevention & Expectations
What can be done to prevent the condition?
It is hard to prevent this condition. Practicing safe sex can help prevent sexually transmitteddiseases, which sometimes lead to this condition. Using good personal hygiene can help to prevent an abscess. After having a bowelmovement, a woman should always wipe from the front to the back to prevent bacteria that live in the bowels from gettinginto the vagina.
What are the long-term effects of the condition?
A Bartholin cyst doesn’t normally cause any long-term effects and often causes no symptoms. If a Bartholinabscess develops and goes untreated, it can lead to a serious infection of the bloodstream known assepsis. If cancer is the cause of this condition,death may occur if the condition goes untreated for too long.
What are the risks to others?
There are no risks to others since this condition is not catching.
Treatment & Monitoring
What are the treatments for the condition?
The treatment of this condition depends on the size of the cyst, how painful it is, and if the cyst is infected. Inmost cases, this condition causes no symptoms and needs no treatment. The cyst can be watched over time to see if it grows orcauses symptoms. An abscess usually needs to be drained. This means a small incision is made in the cyst to release thetrapped pus. Antibiotics may then be given.
In cases of repeated cyst infection or a cyst that causes uncomfortable symptoms, the doctor may perform aminor surgery to open the gland and its duct. A flexible, tiny tube is then sewn in and left in place until a new duct can formaround it. This is often done in the doctor’s office using only local anesthesiaand a mild sedative. More extensive surgery is rarely needed unless cancer of the gland is present, which is rare.
What are the side effects of the treatments?
Antibiotics may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and in some cases an allergic reaction.
All surgery carries the risks of bleeding, infection, and reactions to any pain medicines used.
What happens after treatment for the condition?
Recovery from surgery usually takes less than 2 weeks. No further treatment is usually needed after recovery.This condition rarely comes back after treatment. Sometimes, however, a cyst will come back years later. If it comes back, it canbe treated in a similar fashion.
How is the condition monitored?
The condition is monitored mainly by the symptoms.
Article type: xmedgeneral