Tooth Whitening Tips for Better Looking Teeth

Your smile is one of the first things another person pays attention to when they see you. For this reason, many people want to make sure that their smile glows and radiates confidence. In fact, 80% of Americans between the age of 18 and 49 want to have whiter-looking teeth and are always on the lookout to find the best teeth whitening remedies. If you happen to be one of them, know that you’re not alone.

Below are tips you can use to whiten your teeth, most of the tips need to be done daily to ensure you see effective results.

Use Whitening Toothpaste to Brush Your Teeth

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Although bleach can help to remove discoloration, if have sensitive teeth it can be harmful in the long run. Ingredients that are added to tooth whitening products are usually: Baking soda, activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide, and mild abrasives (calcium carbonate, zirconium silicate, silica).

It’s important that these ingredients don’t whiten the whole tooth but only remove discoloration on the surface of your tooth. To get the right tooth whitening product or procedure contact Roswell GA Dentist for a quote, they’re the best.

Avoid Consuming Foods that Stain Teeth

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If you’re looking to make your teeth brighter but don’t want to pay a high price for a dentist. The best way to make and maintain the whiteness of your teeth is to keep them clean. Avoid eating and drinking food content that stains your teeth naturally. These items include sodas, fruit juices, curry, smoking, red wine, tea, coffee, and tomato sauce (to list a few examples).

Staying away from these items can be hard, but if you must, limit the frequency and amount you take, ensuring that you rinse your mouth after each consumption and that you use a straw when consuming drinks.

Consume Foods with Added Sugar Less

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Foods with added sugar can taste really good, however, they can impact your dental hygiene and teeth going forward. The reason for this is because the sugar found in food can react with the bacteria in your mouth to create acid. The produced acid is what makes your teeth loose enamel and turn yellow.

Don’t eat food with too much sugar, like junk food. If you want whiter-looking teeth the best food to take is fresh vegetables and fruits. For example carrots, apples, dairy products, and celery are great to eat if you want your teeth to remain whiter for longer.

Even though eating the right foods helps the situation, brushing your teeth often at least twice a day will always make a tangible difference.

Use these Tips to Enhance Your Dental Wellbeing

In the world today, several things can cause your teeth to turn yellow, but you don’t have to let that happen, if you follow these teeth whitening tips to the “tee” you’ll say your goodbyes to yellow decaying teeth and say your hello’s to your new set of brighter and even whiter teeth in no time, your teeth don’t have to rot on your watch, rise up and take control.


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