There comes a time in every man’s life when he realizes it’s time to ditch his mother’s advice and bargain bin t-shirts and strike out on his own.
But what many men don’t realize is that dressing well is a skill.
You have to learn how to strike the right balance between looking young and mature. The wrong move can quickly send you down the road of inappropriate graphic tees meant for high school jocks and grass stained sneakers that scream “middle aged dad.”
So where do you start? How can you find balance, look sharp and mature all at the same time?
Don’t tune into men’s fashion week to guide you. And ignore what you see all the teens wearing. Cultivating a stylish wardrobe isn’t about knowing what’s in and what’s out. In fact, trends are what you should worry about the least (see rule #6).
Upgrading your style is simple. With the right guidelines to help, you’ll create outfits that rival Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt. So take a long hard look at your wardrobe, there’s going to be a lot you may want to toss out.
These seven tips will change the way you look at your closet and clothes. Keep reading to see our essential style guidelines for any guy who wants to dress better.
- Give up your graphic tees. Rule number one for any man is to give up the graphic tees of your past. Leave the off-color “novelty” tees and cartoon prints for the teenagers. Cultivating a classic, mature style means focusing on basic colors that are multifunctional. A worn-out band tee doesn’t work as well in the corporate office and happy hour as a simple navy blue shirt will.
- Focus on the fit first and foremost. This means taking some time to try on clothes in the store. Walking out with shirts too big and pants that swallow your ankles comes off as careless rather than clean. A sophisticated look starts with the proper fit and will instantly make all your outfits look more stylish. Well-fitting clothes say to the world, I know what I’m doing.
- With that said, find a tailor. A great suit requires measuring, snipping and fitting it to your body. So why not do the same with the rest of your clothes? Small tweaks, like altering cuffs, shoulders and your waist can make a big difference. You don’t need to have everything customized, but tailoring it will extend the life of your clothes. You’re just more likely to wear what feels best.
- Accessories are not just for women. Invest in the little details that can add style, class and a touch of your personality to your everyday wear. Anything from a good watch to a pocket square can impact your look. We recommend starting with a classic pair of sunglasses that aren’t bulky like your dads. Here’s a useful source for an accessory you’ll wear every single day.
- Shoes are your statement and your signature. People tend to notice your shoes before they notice you. A scuffed up pair of sneakers stands out in a sleek pair of slacks. And flip-flops should be reserved for the beach. There are so many options for men when it comes to shoes, so shop around and find the stand out pairs that work for you.
- Keep it simple before you focus on trends. When you’re rebuilding your wardrobe or trying to figure out what really “looks like you” the best thing to do is start with the classics. Keep it simple by sticking to plain colors in a similar color scheme. As you become more comfortable with the fit of your clothes and the colors that suit you best, add on.
- Stop throwing all your clothes in the same washer on the same setting. Part of cultivating a mature look is about being intentional with your clothing. That starts with the outfits you choose and radiates down to how you take care of what you wear. Read your clothing labels to preserve the integrity of your wardrobe and avoid washed-out or stretched-out pieces. You should know what needs to be on tumble dry on low and what needs to be washed in cold water only.
By following these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to feeling great and looking even better.