List of Food That Promotes and Improves Beard Growth

Growing facial hair comes with dozens of benefits. Besides protecting your face from dangerous UV rays from the sun, a well-maintained beard will certainly enhance your appearance and sex appeal.

But that’s not all…

Men with beards are more respected, and they are considered more masculine than their beardless counterparts.

Putting all these benefits into consideration, who wouldn’t want to grow a beard?

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Unfortunately, not all men are blessed with an abundance of facial hair. Some men take a few days to grow a beard while others have to wait for weeks or even months for their facial hair to start popping out.

Sadly, some may not experience the joy of growing a beard simply because they were born with the “wrong” genes.

Nevertheless, whatever category you fall under, we have got you covered. We are going to show you 10 different foods that promote beard growth. If this doesn’t help then there’s other solutions too – for example beard transplant.

Back to the foods. Here we go…

1. Red Meat

Red meat; image source:

You might not know this, but the growth of facial hair in men is closely related to your testosterone levels.

With this in mind, eating foods that stimulate the production of testosterone is essential in promoting beard growth.

Red meat, particularly beef, is rich in essential fatty acids that are reasonable for the creation of testosterone.

Therefore, adding a small portion of beef in your dietary plan is one of the surest ways of promoting the growth of facial hair.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes; image source:

Growing a beard is not about testosterone hormones alone. DHT also plays a crucial role. Although DHT is derived from testosterone and it is five times more potent, making it the main component responsible for the formation of skin cells and hair follicles.

For you to grow facial hair, you must eat foods that boost the production of DHT hormones. Potatoes and other high carb foods have proven over the years to be a great booster for DHT production.

Essentially, carbohydrates stimulate the formation of 5-alpha reductase enzymes that are vital in the creation of DHT hormones.

3. Fish

Salmon; image source:

If you are not a fan of red meat, then consuming white meat such as fish would be a reasonable, healthy alternative. Fish is richer in proteins compared to red meat.

Furthermore, it also contains Vitamin B and Omega-3 fatty acids, which maintain the health of the skin and promote the growth of hair.

Interestingly, consuming enough Vitamin B also helps reduce the stress that is often associated with hair loss. Best beard vitamins are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Eggs

Eggs on wood background
Eggs on wood background; image source:

Eggs offer a variety of micronutrients that are responsible for the formation of new skin cells and the production of hair follicles.

They are a rich source of proteins, vitamin B, B12 and Biotin that are essential for the growth of healthy hair throughout the body including your face.

Unlike other foods rich in fatty acids, eggs are known to have a very low content of polyunsaturated fats.

This is crucial in the sufficient production of DHT and testosterone hormones.

5. Milk

Milk; image source:

Milk, yogurt and cheese are great sources of proteins, Vitamin A, B vitamins and Beta-carotene. Vitamin A is responsible for repairing skin tissue and keeping your skin healthy for better hair growth.

Additionally, the protein contained in milk is highly saturated with amino acids that are responsible for the formation of keratin and new skin cells.

As you might be aware by now, having vibrant skin promotes healthier hair growth.

6. Poultry

Poultry; image source:

Poultry covers a wide range of fowls, including chicken, turkeys, ducks and geese. These delicious fowls are rich in protein and other healthy micronutrients such as Vitamins B6, B12 and Biotin.

As previously discussed, all these nutrients are responsible for the generation of new skin cells and hair growth.

However, you should limit your intake considering the fact that poultry has a very high calorie and fat content.

Remember to consult your nutritionist on the right portions to avoid problems with your weight.

7. Kale

Kale; image source:

Have you ever wondered why most vegetarians have thick facial hair? If you want to grow a thick facial hair, you must include kale and other vegetables in your diet.

Kale is a highly nutritious vegetable that is rich in vitamin A and other essential nutrients.

These nutrients are responsible for repairing skin tissue and promoting better hair growth by minimizing beard brittleness and patchiness.

8. Almonds

Almonds; image source:

If you want your beard to look thick and lush, then considering eating foods rich in Vitamins C and E. Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and other nuts are an excellent source of Vitamins C and E.

These nutrients promote good hair growth while stimulating the production of sebum, which is responsible for lubricating and moisturizing your hair.

9. Apples

An apple; image source:

Whoever said an apple a day keeps the doctor away was probably right. Well, this saying also applies to hair growth.

Apples are rich in antioxidants and vital vitamins that help prevent skin damage and reduce the effects of aging such as hair loss. Furthermore, fruits do not contain fats that might be harmful to your health.

This is important considering the fact that your general health has a bearing on hair growth.

10. Strawberries

Strawberries; image source:

Strawberries might appear small, but one piece of this juicy fruit contains a high content of ellagic acid, folic acid, vitamins B5 and B6, which protect your hair from falling or rescinding.

Strawberries are also effective in delaying the effects of androgenetic conditions such as alopecia.

Although Alopecia normally affects the scalp, the effects might trickle down to your facial hair. Eating strawberries may work effectively to delay these effects from affecting your beard.

Other options to consider

Sometimes, no matter how well we eat or look after ourselves, the dream of a perfectly sculptured beard will just not materialise. Due to predetermined conditions, you may find that your beard is patchy or sparse. This does not mean that all is lost and there are options available.

Beard growth and results can be greatly improved by a beard transplant. Although this may seem like an expensive and drastic step, it doesn’t have to be. Just like hair transplants, beard transplants have come a long way over the years and several successful male actors have had them.

Check out, a website dedicated to beard growth and results to find out more about how best to achieve your best beard!.

Take Away

The list of foods that promote beard growth is almost endless.

However, you must make sure that you eat a balanced diet to avoid becoming overweight. If you are still unsure about the portions required to grow a thick beard, make sure you consult an experienced barber for more titbits.

Or better still, scout for any book on the best beard vitamins explained to acquire more info on how to grow a thick beard.

In the end, the type of food you eat rather than the portion of your meals will determine if you will have a smoother, healthier, shinier beard.



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