All work involves pressure, which isn’t necessarily detrimental.
However, some jobs increase the risk of illness. When assessing employment choices, it’s vital to consider the impact on health.
Here are 10 careers requiring nerves of steel. Being aware of their hazards will help minimize stress.
1. Waitperson
A Chinese study found that jobs with a heavy workload increase the chances of stroke by 58%.
Working as a waiter or waitress falls into this category. Heart disease is another health concern. Immunity is reduced by being subject to customer demands.
2. Care Assistant
The pressure involved working as a caregiver can lead to fatigue and depression. Signs of burnout include no longer enjoying work, becoming bitter, and having relationship difficulties. Feeling harried comes and goes, but the symptoms of burnout persist.
3. Lorry Driver
There are many medical conditions that run high among lorry drivers.
You’re more prone to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes.
Stress escalates due to poor road conditions, substandard resting facilities, and long waits during loading and unloading. Although the job pays well, it’s so challenging that there’s a shortage of lorry drivers in the UK.
4. Teacher
A survey of union teachers found that over 50% report stress-induced anxiety, insomnia, and mental disorders.
They also find themselves increasingly consuming caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco to cope. The British Counsel has identified three stress triggers among teachers. They are perfectionism, long hours of preparation, and pushing too hard physically.
5. Construction Worker
Other than the inherent dangers involved in working in construction, the Health and Safety Executive notes that construction workers are susceptible to slips, trips, falls, hearing loss, nerve damage, skin diseases, and lung disease.
6. Police Officer
Police officers keep people and property safe, prevent crime, and respond to emergencies, control traffic and crowds, and restore order. Often times, they save lives.
However due to the demand and danger of this profession, police officers are vulnerable to depression, anxiety, and physical injury.
7. Social Worker
Handling mental illness can take an emotional toll on social workers. Long hours and a heavy workload lead to fatigue. Red tape and time constraints cause mounting pressure.
It is important for you to learn some stress management tips.
8. Medical Professional
The list of stressful medical occupations is long – doctors, dentists, nurses, paramedics, and medical assistants, to name a few.
Because they daily face life-threatening situations, traumatic events, and time limitations, burnout and stress is common.
9. Firefighter
Repercussions of your noble work include anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, heart attack, insomnia, digestive problems, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
These medical problems are caused by shift work, sleep deprivation, and witnessing harm. Other occupational hazards are smoke inhalation, burns, and falls.
10. Enlisted Military
The consequences of being in combat include mental disorders, alcohol misuse, hearing loss, social isolation, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Young veterans are at a high risk of suicide.