Whatever your age, caring for your health is important. In this article, we’ll explore some simple tips for staying on top of your health, from your twenties through to your fifties and beyond in addition to what to consider about your health insurance.
In Your Twenties
It’s easy to think of our twenties as the “free pass” years, but many of the habits you develop at this time in your life will spill over into middle-age.

Keep track of your weight – Studies suggest that the benefits of low cardiovascular risk in your twenties spill over well into middle-age. It’s therefore a good idea to get into the habit regularly weighing yourself and tackling that extra weight while it’s manageable.
Build good habits around preventive health – Now’s also the right time to develop good habits around preventive health. From age 20 onwards, women should receive a mammogram every three years, doing a self exam on a monthly basis. Cancer awareness not-for-profit Assess Your Risk provides online tool for tailoring your screening schedule in line with your risk factors.
Men, you’re not off the hook either. Roughly half of testicular cancers occur between ages 20 and 34. The American Cancer society provides this resource to help you learn to assess your own risk.
Insurance may not seem like the highest priority at this age, but it’s still smart to seek basic health insurance that caters to an active lifestyle and cover preventive health screening.
In Your Thirties and Forties

As you move into middle-age one of the overriding health challenges many face is a simple lack of time.
Stick to a weekly exercise routine – Setting up a gym membership can be a useful way to inject some much-needed routine into a frantic schedule. Good eating habits can also fall by the wayside. If you need to do a healthy eating tune-up, check out the USDA’s nutrition website, ChooseMyPlate.gov.
Get on top of your blood pressure and cholesterol – Left unmanaged, hypertension and high cholesterol can be a precursor for many chronic and potentially dangerous health conditions. This is a good time of your life to have a doctor regularly check your levels and prescribe medication if necessary.
Transitioning into mid-life, your insurance needs will likely increase and change. This is a good time to revisit health insurance plans focused on preventive health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
In Your Fifties and Beyond

At this time of life, preventive health and regular screening are important.
Increase your focus on preventive health – Women should begin to closely manage their calcium. Menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis and weakened bones can greatly reduce quality of life as you get older. Men, keep going to the doctor for those regular check ups! Many older men are resistant to seeing a doctor, increasing their risk of undiagnosed chronic disease.
Seeking health insurance that is tailored to your unique health requirements is a great step toward building a health care strategy that works for you.
Staying Healthy and Happy
Managing your health is an evolving journey, and your health priorities are likely to change throughout the course of your life. Whatever your age though, building the right healthy habits, remaining committed to good preventive health and reviewing your health insurance every few years will make a big contribution to helping you stay healthy and happy.
Review 1.1.2022 – dead link removed.