Chloride In The Diet

Overview & Description

Chloride is a mineral. Chloride, along withsodiumand potassium,are known as the electrolyte minerals. Electrolytes are in all body fluids and helpregulate the balance of fluids in the body’s cells. Chloride, along with sodium,is found concentrated in the fluid outside of cells.


It is rare for someone to have a lack of chloride in the dietbecause salt is such a common part most people’s diet, especially in the US.Chloride is found in foods that have natural sources of salt. Processed foodsare also often high in salt. There is noRecommended Daily Allowance,called RDA, for chloride. Most healthy people can fulfill their chloride needswith a minimum of 750 mg per day. Excessive sweating, vomiting, ordiarrheacan cause the body to lose chloride.

Functions and Sources

What food source is the nutrient found in?

Table salt and salty foods, such as olives, are the mostconcentrated sources of chloride. Table salt is known chemically assodium chloride. Chloride is also found in moderate amounts in these foods:

  • meats
  • chicken
  • fish
  • grains
  • fruits
  • vegetables, especially tomatoes
  • nuts
  • milk products
  • seeds
  • How does the nutrient affect the body?

    Chloride works closely with the other electrolyte minerals,sodiumand potassium,to provide certain functions in the body.

  • They help maintain the body’s acid-base balance.
  • They are crucial in keeping the body’s fluids in balance.
  • They also help transmit nerve impulses or signals.
  • Chloride is key in keeping the stomach’s digestivefluids working as they should. This helps to break down food and with theabsorption of nutrients.
  • Article type: xmedgeneral