Employees are the lifeline of a workplace and the state of their health affects their level of performance.
The workplace is by far one of the most important places in the world over. It is where the real work is done, innovations are created, and where world economies are grown. Health studies have been done to see how the workplace can be improved.
Here are the top 5 health studies that benefit the workplace.

1. Health Wellness Programs Transform Employee Health Behaviors
Health studies show that if an organization can get its employees to take part in a health wellness program within the workplace, there is a high likelihood that they will embrace and sustain healthy behaviors in the years to come.
The main outcome of these programs is that they will motivate employees to embrace eating healthier foods, exercise more often, and cut off destructive habits like smoking.
2. Good Employee Health Behaviors Minimize Health Care Costs
There are numerous health studies that have been conducted over time to review the effect of employee health behaviors on their financial spend in dealing with health conditions. Research shows that positive employee health behaviors achieved through health wellness programs in the workplace contribute highly to reduced healthcare costs.
Employees with good health behaviors will save a lot of money in the long run that they would have actually spent on healthcare expenses.
3. Health Education In The Workplace Minimizes Health Risks
Health studies show that conducting health education on employees within the workplace and teaching them on how to adopt a healthier lifestyle minimizes health risks among them. Risks like high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and elevated blood glucose are all a result of unhealthy diets that employees embrace due to lack of proper health information.
Minimizing health risks is important. Statistics show that by conducting regular health education programs in the workplace, employees are able to reduce the level of cholesterol by embracing the proper diet and in turn, the risk of getting heart attacks is minimized.
4. Cultivating Healthier Lifestyles Among Employees Minimizes Absenteeism
Research shows that there is a strong link between an organization’s employee lifestyles with regards to their health and the rate of absenteeism among them. Conclusions made indicate that an employee who embraces a lifestyle that is more health conscious will have a lower absenteeism rate.
Creating a consciousness to employees within the workplace of how much of an affect their lifestyle has on their health makes them critical of what they include in their diet and how they handle their emotional life. This creates within them a positive energy that drives them to be more productive and less absent in the workplace.
5. More Physically Engaging Activities Improve Employee Productivity
Poor levels of productivity in the workplace come about when employees are physically present in their workspace but psychologically absent.
Rather than having employees sit all day on their workstations in the same position looking at their computer screens and getting migraines halfway through the day, organizations can consider incorporating some physical activities for their employees like walking on treadmills while handling work assignments on their computers.
This way, their minds and bodies are more alert and active, making them more productive in their roles.
Check out these studies on treadmill desks and how they affect employee productivity.