For any parent, the idea of having a child that has to deal with a serious medical issue throughout their whole life can be scary.
For many parents across the UK, Erb’s palsy is a disability that their kids have to deal with as a result of a medical mistake in childbirth.
In this article, we are going to offer up some tips for parents who have children with Erb’s palsy. Keep reading if you would like to find out more about this.

Don’t Feel Guilty
While this can be easier said than done, it is important that you try as hard as you can not to feel guilty for what has happened.
While you were there during the childbirth, it is unlikely that you were the cause of the issue and it is often due to medical mistakes by professionals. For this reason, you need to stay positive and remember that this is not your fault.
Seek Help
If you have been unlucky enough to experience medical negligence resulting in Erb’s palsy, you should think about seeking compensation. There are many Erb’s palsy solicitors in the UK who can get you the compensation that you need to make sure that your child has the best possible life despite their disability.
Any sort of rehabilitation and recovery can be expensive and with the right solicitor, you can get the funds you need.
Talk To Other Parents
When you are dealing with an issue like Erb’s Palsy, it is likely that this will be entirely new to you. For this reason, we suggest that you talk to other parents who have children with this disability. This way, you can get advice from those who know what they are talking about and the support that you need. There are many support networks for parents of children with this condition so do your research and talk it out with those who can help.
Ask The Right Questions
Our final tip for those who are dealing with Erb’s palsy is to make sure that you are asking the right questions. Consider making notes before you visit the doctor of questions that you might have about how to deal with the condition.
It can be easy to become overwhelmed when the diagnosis first comes so make sure that you get all of the information that you need. It is often better to ask those in the know rather than using the internet for advice on medical issues.
Final Verdict
If you have recently given birth to a child with Erb’s palsy or know someone who might need some guidance on the subject, make sure to take on board all of the advice that we have given you. Think about getting the financial support that you need by hiring an experienced solicitor.
You should also seek emotional support and make sure that you get your information from a reliable source. This should help you to support your child in the way that they need you to.