Most people find they get sick, have surgery, or are injured at least once a year. If you are stuck at home recuperating for an extended period of time, being confined to bed or a chair can be boring and discouraging.
Having some activities to keep your mind occupied helps to relieve the boredom and makes the time seem to pass more quickly. There are numerous options to help fill the day with interesting things to do.
Everyone has an unfinished book sitting on a shelf or table. When you are confined to the house, it’s a perfect time to catch up on your reading.

Mysteries, love stories, historical novels, and science fiction books are available in print or downloads for eBook readers. If you are a history buff who love old out of print books, a lot are available for free download on Amazon.
You can also download one free audio book from Audiobooks. Take advantage of your recuperation time to get back to the habit of reading, and maybe you’ll discover it’s a pastime you have missed.
Coloring Books
If you are feeling stressed and out of sorts during your home confinement, you should try the app Coloring Book for Me & Mandala. New research has shown that coloring books for adults create a soothing effect. It also satisfies the need all people have to be creative.
Mandalas are intricately designed and will challenge your thinking when it comes to selecting colors for the beautiful patterns. If you choose a printed coloring book, you can use a variety of mediums for coloring including markers, crayons, and colored pencils.
Using the mandala coloring app is especially convenient when you are going to doctor and therapy appointments, as you have something to keep you occupied while sitting in the waiting room.
Video Games
Playing video games will keep your mind stimulated and tone your reflexes. Games are fun and distracting. There is a huge variety of popular video games including sports, crime, war, fantasy, superheroes, reality, and strategy challenges. Names you may be familiar with are Grand Theft Auto, Simms, Madden NFL 17, Battlefield 1, Minecraft, Mafia lll, and Call of Duty: Black Ops lll.
Each of these games offers several current editions, and new games come out every month. Some of the benefits of playing a video game include keeping your reflexes in good shape, challenging your thinking, and improving strategy skills. Games also require you to attain to certain accomplishments to move to the next level.
Learn A Language
The world is getting smaller every day, and it’s helpful to learn a second language that’s useful in the area where you live. PC Mag provides a list of free language apps on their website, which includes links.
Learning to speak a new language is a great way to put your recovery time to good use and something you’ll enjoy for many years.
There is no need to be feeling bored during your down time. Try any or all of these suggestions to fill your time in an interesting, fun, and constructive way.
Article revision 20.3.2022 – 404 links removed