Skin issues are common in women approaching menopause. Dryness, itchiness, loss of elasticity, wrinkling, and even acne—all of these problems stem the from hormonal changes taking place.
Luckily, there are quite a few ways to relieve these symptoms when you understand what’s really going on in your body.

Menopause and Skin Issues: What’s the Link?
Estrogens are a group of female sex hormones that are essential for women’s health. They are important for the development of sexual characteristics, fertility, skin health, and even physical strength.
As women approach the age of perimenopause and menopause (on average, that’s 47-52 years), their estrogen levels start to decline. Eventually, this drop in estrogen is exactly what causes all the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
Then, the logical way to relieve these symptoms would be to restore what’s lacking: your estrogen levels. There are two options to consider from here on.
HRT vs Natural Phytoestrogens
To restore estrogen levels, you can either opt for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or natural phytoestrogens.
HRT is a conventional prescription treatment that uses synthetic hormones to relieve the drop in estrogen levels during menopause. As a result, most menopause symptoms fade away—including systemic ones like hot flushes, mood swings, and even reduced libido.
Of course, HRT comes with quite a few downsides too.
- You can get it only with a prescription.
- You’ll have to visit a doctor regularly to keep track of how the therapy’s going.
- HRT comes with side effects, including an increase in breast cancer risk.
- HRT is expensive. On average, expect to spend around $300 per month on the medications plus the cost of your doctor’s regular consultations.
Phytoestrogens, on the other hand, are compounds that are naturally found in herbs, vegetables, and legumes all around the world. They have a similar structure to the body’s own estrogens, so basically they just mimic their action in the tissues.
In a nutshell, phytoestrogens have the same benefits as HRT—but in a milder form and with no side effects. So, what exactly can you expect from getting more of them?
Health Benefits of Phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are present in dozens of different plants including:
- Soy
- Flaxseed
- Raisins
- Red grapes and red wine
- Licorice
Along with many, many others. And still, some options really stand out from the crowd!
In this article we’ll use one of the most powerful ones to illustrate the matter.
Pueraria Mirifica (also known by its native name Kwao Krua Kao) is a Thai shrub that has been used by locals to slow down aging, promote youthfulness, and support health for centuries already. Now, scientific studies have confirmed that this plant contains at least 17 powerful phytoestrogens with lots of different health benefits for the skin!
Let’s take a look at the most exciting benefits of estrogen, phytoestrogens, and Pueraria Mirifica:
May improve skin hydration
Estrogen increases the skin levels of hyaluronic acid, a key molecule in ensuring skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid binds and retains water in the skin, so it’s like a moisturizer from the inside out. Phytoestrogens, mimicking the action of estrogen, have a similar effect—and Pueraria Mirifica is one of the best options here due to its diverse array of phytoestrogens compounds.
Increase skin elasticity and fight off signs of aging
Topical estrogen therapy improves skin elasticity and firmness. As a result, this reduces wrinkle depth and pore size, leading to a generally more youthful look. A similar effect is also achieved due to the antioxidative action of most phytoestrogens. By protecting the skin from free radical damage, they may reduce oxidative stress and prevent premature aging of the skin.
Helps to enlarge the breasts in some women
Studies indicate that breast enlargement creams and serums really work—at least in some women. Apparently, topical formulations of estrogens increase the levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in the local tissues, leading to breast growth. The same effect is seen after using creams and serums with phytoestrogens!
Has anti-cancer properties
Some of the phytoestrogens present in Pueraria Mirifica have significant anti-cancer potential. For example, spinasterol seems to be effective against some types of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cervical cancer. More studies are needed to figure out the details and safety, but so far the results are encouraging!
Besides the above, Pueraria Mirifica may reduce other menopausal symptoms, alleviate vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, and improve blood cholesterol levels.
As you see, the benefits are huge—but how do you even take Pueraria Mirifica?
Best phytoestrogen products for different health issues
There are several types of Pueraria Mirifica products and phytoestrogens in general. Depending on the health matter that bothers you the most, some types of products could work better than others.
For example, if you want to reap the general health benefits of Pueraria Mirifica like blood cholesterol improvement or bone strengthening, taking oral forms of the plant could be a better option for you.
On the other hand, if your goal is to support your skin’s health, reduce dryness, prevent aging, and enhance elasticity, topical products would likely work better. In this case, you can either opt for creams or serums—the latter option being usually more affordable, effective, and pure.
If your goal is breast enhancement, serums will definitely work better than creams, as you’ll need a higher and more stable concentration of the active compounds for the treatment to be effective.
When picking a Pueraria Mirifica serum, keep in mind that the concentration of active compounds in each product depends on its intended use. For example, a facial serum is likely to have a somewhat lower concentration of the plant’s active compounds than a breast enhancement serum. Each works better on its respective part of the body due to local peculiarities in skin physiology.
In the life of many women, menopause arrives with a whole bunch of health issues that may significantly affect happiness and quality of life. Most of them are caused by a gradual decline in estrogen levels.
The skin is one of the first organs to suffer, since estrogens play a crucial role in ensuring skin hydration, elasticity, and firmness. To restore estrogen levels, the two most common ways are to opt for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or go for natural alternatives in the form of phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that are similar in structure to the body’s own estrogens. Basically, they can mimic the action of estrogens—without being hormones in the strict sense of the word!
One of the most powerful natural sources of phytoestrogens is the Thai shrub Pueraria Mirifica. Packed with more than 17 phytoestrogens from different chemical groups, Pueraria Mirifica can significantly alleviate skin aging, dryness, itching, and wrinkling—the perfect support for any woman’s skin in the trying times of menopause.
When looking for a Pueraria Mirifica product, keep in mind that topical formulations like serums generally work better for skin issues, while oral forms are better for systemic menopause relief.