People suffering from high blood pressure often want to get rid of this condition to continue with their healthy life as it used to be before hypertension was diagnosed.
Unfortunately, once declared, high blood pressure has no cure, but the good news is that blood pressure medication can easily control it.

Once your doctor has determined your actual blood pressure, he can prescribe the adequate medication to lower high blood pressure, and recommend changes to your lifestyle if needed, whether permanent, temporary, before or during the treatment with blood pressure medication.
Blood pressure lowering drugs
Among the different types of drugs to lower your blood pressure prescribed by doctors, the most common are the following:
- diuretics,
- beta-blockers,
- vasodilators,
- ACE inhibitors,
- angiotensin antagonists,
- alpha-blockers,
- calcium channel blockers (CCBs),
- alpha-beta-blockers,
- nervous system inhibitors,
- and other blood pressure medications known as antihypertensives.
Diuretics lower high blood pressure by getting rid of excess fluids and salt, and they are usually given as initial therapy for most individuals diagnosed with hypertension.
The beta-blockers effectively reduce the heart rate and the heart’s output of blood by affecting the response to some nerve impulses.
Blood pressure medications based on vasolidators cause the muscle in the walls of the arterioles and blood vessels to relax, allowing the vessel to widen (dilate).
ACE inhibitors
Among the different classes of medicaments, ACE inhibitors are angiotensin-converting enzyme, and some are used to treat congestive heart failure or other conditions.
Angiotensin antagonists
Angiotensin antagonists such as Angiotensin II receptor blockers, have similar effects to angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Calcium antagonists (calcium channel blockers) or CCBs can reduce the heart rate and relax blood vessels.
Blood pressure medications based on blockers reduce different problems due to hypertension.
Sympathetic nerve inhibitors
Sympathetic nerve inhibitors are antihypertensives that reduce blood pressure by inhibiting the sympathetic nerves that go from the brain to all parts of the body, from constricting the arteries. However, blood pressure medication is administered at the sole discretion of the doctor.
Most of the times an individual diagnosed with high blood pressure do not need to take blood pressure medication, since hypertension can also be improved by therapies, including exercise programs, eating properly, reducing weight and making essential changes to the lifestyle.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is a condition that requires care and patience. High blood pressure has no cure but can be treated with high blood pressure medication, however be careful.
If you were diagnosed with high blood pressure, you cannot stop the treatment once you feel okay again nor reduce the dosage if the doctor does not prescribe to do so.