Aromatherapy and lavender have a long history together. With its sweet soothing smell and healing properties, lavender oil has made its way into perfumes, oils, salves, and colognes.
It was only a matter of time before lavender oil made its way into aromatherapy.

So are you ready to know the connection between aromatherapy and lavender oil?
But first what are the properties of lavender oil?
Lavender oil comes from the flowers of lavender, a native plant from the Mediterranean region, known for its healing properties. Lavender oil has a floral scent, a sweet balsamic aroma that soothes the mind.
Lavender oil mixes well with the other essential oils usually used in aromatherapy. Such oils include clary sage, clove, rosemary, and pine.
What are the benefits of lavender oil?
Lavender oil works well to ease anxiety and calms down people with a nervous disposition.
Studies show that lavender oil can also act as a sleep inducer and has properties that can cure insomnia.
Point to remember:
Lavender oil does not have any adverse reaction, but some people might have skin reactions.
Moving on…
How can you use lavender oil in aromatherapy?
1. To relive headaches
You can relieve headaches effectively with aromatherapy. If you are on the go, just take a few drops of lavender oil on your fingertips and massage your forehead. You can even add about 2-5 drops of lavender oil on a piece of damp cloth. Apply and keep this cloth on your forehead as a warm/cold compress for around 10-20 minutes.
You will find relief from the headache. However, this method works best for headaches resulting from stress. Migraines and sinus headaches might need a few add on remedies, but even then, lavender oil aromatherapy works well.
2. To calm nerves
When it comes to calming jittery nerves or even to lift your spirits from bouts of depression, lavender oil aromatherapy has proved a great relief. Just dab on a few drops on the inside of your wrist, or even behind your ears or the base of your throat for relief. You can even pour a few drops of lavender oil in a diffuser in the room you work in to calm your senses. You could also use a tissue dappled in lavender oil.
3. To induce sleep
All you have to do is use a diffuser in the bedroom with a few drops of lavender oil before going to bed. You can even use pieces of cloth or even cotton balls dipped in lavender oil beneath your pillowcases, or beside your bed. You can even rub a few drops of lavender oil into your hair for a day long aromatherapy session.
Now for a recipe using lavender oil:
Lavender Bath salts – Ingredients:
- 2 Drops of Chamomile oil
- 7 Drops of Lavender essential oil
- 5 tablespoons of Sea Salt
- 2 tablespoons of Baking Soda
- A glass container
Mix all the ingredients in the glass jar, mix well. Add the solution to your bath water for a good soak.
So, ready for a good session of aromatic lavender oil?