Marked by deficiency of iron in blood, anemia is a more common disorder in women nowadays. In technical terms, the disorder features reduced red blood cells.
This is the reason why an anemic patient is informed of reduced blood count in bone marrow.
Anemia definition
The condition occurs because there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein rich in iron, which gives blood its red color.

In most cases, anemia is due to insufficient intake of protein, iron, and vitamins. At times, heavy blood loss due to some accident or injury can also lead to anemia.
Other causes include alcohol, kidney issue, pregnancy, thalassemia, heavy bleeding, and deficiency of B12. Because these causes are well known, it is obvious to have a treatment can deal with most or all of these causes.
Well, at the same time, the remedy should be such that it can alleviate the related symptoms such as fatigue, paleness, weakness, energy deficiency, increased cardiac workload, and shortness of breath due to less oxygen penetrating into the body tissue and indicated by lowered red blood cells. Well, one such treatment for anemia is beetroot, touted as the most affordable and reliable natural remedy.
How Beetroot Heals the Anemic Condition
Beetroot, growing underground, is a rich source of iron. Just a cup of beet slices has 1.1 mg of iron, which is equal to 6% of the daily suggested iron intake. It also has 37% of the everyday folate intake. Due to both iron and folate, anemia seems to leave quickly. Iron is indispensable for forming hemoglobin in red blood cells, which carries oxygen to the different body parts.
Apart from iron, this remedy with its blood forming nutrients is also a good source of copper, iodine, sodium, sulfur, potassium, and vitamins namely, B1, B2, C, and P. Its juice is now only low in calories but also easily digestible. The juice of this root also fortifies the resistance power as well as raises the number of red blood cells through its contained nutrients, especially iron.
Further, beetroot also has betalains, a super phytonutrient facilitating anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative action. The natural remedy also has very effective cleansing qualities due to which it aids in detoxification. Such qualities along with rich iron content restores cells, supply oxygen, and boost blood count.
Following are the beetroot nutrients along with the percentage of daily suggested value, in a cup of juice, apart from iron and folate:
Calories – 3%,
Copper – 5%,
Phosphorus – 5.4%,
Magnesium – 7.8%,
Vitamin C – 11.1%,
Potassium – 12.6%,
Fibre – 15. 2%,
and Manganese – 22.5%
Scientific Study Backup
According to the IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, anemic patients can have plain juice of beet for up to 20 days for increasing the level of hemoglobin. As an alternative, a salad of onion, cucumber, carrots with beetroot grated on it is fine. It is also effective to have a bit roasted beetroot along with other veggies such as greens beans.
It is essential to have beetroot in the raw state. This is because its betalain content is otherwise alleviated during cooking, and that some acidic crystals are emitted to generate stones of calcium upon heating.