If the title of this article made you think that you can stay fit and healthy without exercise, then you thought wrong.
No one can be in great shape and healthy without exercising for a significant time period, but that doesn’t mean you will need a gym membership to get that exercise.
Your Body Doesn’t Care About Your Gym Membership
You could be a member of the best gym in the world and yet be out of shape, while someone who has never even stepped inside a decent gym could be sporting a perfectly fit physique.
The thing is that our body doesn’t really care about the place where you exercise but is affected only by the stress you put it through. There are slackers in every gym, while there are very fit people who work out every day at home or work in a field which makes them fit automatically.
It cannot be denied that proper training and gym equipment can help you sculpt your body into a piece of art, but as far as staying fit and in shape is concerned, the gym is unnecessary for that.
You Can Get a Gym at Home
There are lots of home gym options available these days and they are not even that expensive. If you want more specialized training for your muscles, just get one of the home gyms from Marcypro and you are all set.
Of course, it would help if you had a personal trainer come in and show you the basics, just in case you are new to all this, but there’s also the option of going online and checking out any of the multiple plans made available by fitness trainers on the internet. In the long run, you will find this setup to be a much more economic and fruitful investment than going with a run-of-the-mill gym membership.
You May Not Need Anything
If buying home gym equipment or hiring online/offline trainers seems unaffordable right now and you don’t even do the kind of work which gets you lots of exercise automatically, you can still get fit and look fabulous.
Thanks to a few authentic fitness trainers, there is a ton of useful and free information available on YouTube for people who don’t have enough money to spend on their fitness goals. As far as the exercise is concerned, you can train everything from your pectorals to your calves right at home or at a park. A pull up bar and some free weights will definitely help, but even those are not necessary. A combination of bodyweight training, free-weight training and regular cardio at the local park is ideal though.
Keep in mind that if you have any health conditions, it is essential to discuss your training regimen with a certified trainer and a doctor before doing anything. They will help you devise a strategy that will let you stay fit by working around the health issues. If everything else is restricted, simply power walking for 15 to 30-minutes every day will do just fine too.