Overview & Description
This test measures the amount of chloride in the blood or serum.Chloride is one of the important chemicals that is found in the body. Changesin chloride levels in the blood are often similar to changes in sodium levels. Thisis true because sodium and chloride are often linked together in the body.
Who is a candidate for the test?
If a doctor suspects one of the conditions that result from too high ortoo low a level of chloride, he or she may order this test.
How is the test performed?
A sample of blood is taken from a vein on the forearm or hand.First, the skin over the vein is cleaned with an antiseptic such as alcohol. Next,a rubber tube called a tourniquet is tied around the upper arm. This restrictsblood flow in the lower arm veins and causes them to enlarge. And that makesthem easier to see and insert a needle into. A fine needle is inserted into the vein,and the tourniquet is then untied. Blood flows from the vein through needle intoa vial. After the needle is withdrawn from the vein, the puncture site is coveredwith a bandage.
Preparation & Expectations
What is involved in preparation for the test?
No preparation is generally needed for this test.
Results and Values
What do the test results mean?
Normal values for the total amount of chloride in the blood rangefrom 98 to 106 mEq/L (milliequivalents per liter).
Chloride can become too high because of conditions including:
Many things can cause the chloride to become too low including:
Article type: xmedgeneral