Bug Repellent Safety
Bug repellent safety refers to the proper use of chemicals applied to theskin or clothing to ward off insects. If they are not used correctly, these substances can sometimescause serious side effects.
What is the information for this topic?
Many products on the market keep away insects. The onesthat work the best contain the chemical diethyltoluamide, better known as DEET. DEEThas been used for over 40 years. It is very effective against bites by:
Neither DEET nor other repellents are able to deter stinging insects suchas bees, hornets, and wasps.
DEET is available in the U.S. in strengths ranging from 5% concentrationto 100%. It comes in a variety of forms, including:
For the most part, DEET has a very safe record. An estimated 200 millionpeople around the world use it every year without reported problems. But the chemicalis absorbed through the skin, so it can cause a toxic reaction if used in high doses. Therehave been a few cases of neurologic problems in young children as a result of highdoses of DEET. For this reason:
People should also be aware that:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, called EPA, offers these guidelines forthe safe use of all types of insect repellents.
Stop use and call the poison control center if a reaction is suspected.
Article type: xmedgeneral