Have A Dangerous Life But A Healthy Lifestyle?

Are your visits to the doctor becoming more frequent? Do you always feel on edge every time you get home from work for some unknown reasons? It might be due to the result of the career path you have chosen. Feelings of unhappiness and higher levels of stress may negatively affect your health.

Especially for those people who are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma or were exposed to asbestos, day to day living can be quite stressful during these times.

Image source: pexels.com

Whether it be blue collar or white collar, every profession poses its own health risks. Some are usually expected when considering the exposure to hazardous conditions and injuries.

Sales representative

An occupation as a sales representative might be both physically and mentally draining. Inconsistent pay combined with long work hours and a competitive environment sums up to the perfect combination of fatigue and stress.


Those who run into burning skyscrapers almost tops every list that observes overall employee health. Obviously, firefighters face high rates of fatalities, injuries, and illnesses. But they’re also prone for other complications.

Doctors from Health.com states that, “Occupations such as responding to emergencies could be stressful. Actually, more firefighters die from heart attacks on the job compared to when they’re going to burning buildings.”

According to American Heart Association, between 90% of firefighters are likely to be obese or overweight and had high blood pressure.


Lawyers and other court-related occupations are listed as one of Foxnews.com’s worst professions for your health. Research studies show that lawyers have higher rates of depression, abuse, alcohol and stress compared to most other professions.

According to a 2007 survey, lawyers have been found to have a high level of dissatisfaction. Also, only 4 out of 10 lawyers would highly suggest the profession to others. For an industry that’s been known for its serious subject matters, there’s no surprise that people from the courtroom strongly experience poor health.

Transportation driver

This industry covers many occupations, such as truck drivers and taxi and truck drivers. Yes, they get to see the front-row of America’s countryside, but they’re prone to serious health risks as well.

A low compensation and a high amount of risks could just be the perfect combination for poor health and unhappiness.


This is a profession that needs no further explanation. Military career paths are listed on Foxnews.com as one of the worst and most stressful for obvious reasons, such as frequent travel, demand for physical activities, and being exposed to dangerous and hazardous work environments.

How to Support Your Health By Having A Dangerous Job

It has been known that health is wealth. Without good health, no one would be able to do anything. Doing chores and taking care of kids would be impossible if we always struggled with health conditions.

Drink lots of water

Drinking from glass; image source: pexels.com

Being too focused on work means losing track of how much water intake you’re having within the day. However, it’s important that you drink enough water to stay active and hydrated.

Being dehydrated can cause ill side effects, such as sluggishness and drowsiness. It is advisable for an adult to drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. Eating juicy and fresh fruits is also a great way to beat hunger and dehydration.

Take frequent breaks

Stretching in the office; image source: pexels.com

We always want to finish our tasks so that we can get out of the office right on time. Unfortunately, this does not literally mean that you should sit at your work table for hours and not allow yourself to take a break. You might be thinking that if you take a break, it would waste your time. But no, taking breaks once in a while makes you productive.

Not taking a break from work can make you mentally weak and reduce your creative juices. Make it a habit to get away from your deliverables once in a while. The big idea is take a break, relax, and be more productive.

Keep your work table clean

Image source: pexels.com

It is very important to keep your work table clean and tidy. Before leaving for the day, clean it for about five minutes so that when you return the day after, it would be a clean work table. Always keep sanitizing wipes with you, and use them to wipe your table frequently.

Tips On Helping Both Your Physical And Mental Health

There are small changes that you may be able to do to take care of your health, both physical and mental. Observing where you need to make changes to support your health is the first step to become a healthier you.

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep

Image source: Adobestock

Sleep allows your body to recharge and rest, and gives you more energy for the next day. If sleep is something that you’re not used to, take steps before going to bed such as avoiding alcohol and caffeine and frequent use of cellphone, computer or laptops.

Practice good work and life balance

A woman enjoying a wellness session; image source: pexels.com

Work tends to take a large amount of your time. It’s unavoidable, but if work takes almost all of your time and energy, it might be the time to take a step back and evaluate how you make use of your time.

Balancing your work and life schedule can possibly increase your satisfaction and reduce your stress levels.

Take time to relax

Oil diffuser; image source: truestressmanagement.com

Stress and being busy at work can easily decrease your ability to take a rest. Some relaxing activities include reading a book, taking a walk/jog, yoga and meditation.

Staying in good shape requires time and effort. Good health is not something you can achieve overnight, which is why it is crucial that you include your certain habits with your daily routine. This will also require long-term discipline and commitment, but there will be more advantages to achieve in terms of physical and mental stability.


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