Dos and Don’ts After a Head Injury

A head injury is also referred to as a concussion. You will come across terms such as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), minor head injury, or mild head injury when talking about concussions or head injuries.

No matter the terminology used to describe the condition, a head injury is responsible for causing a back and forth shaking of the brain inside the skull. This leads to mild brain damage.

Head injuries are mostly caused by sports accidents, assaults, road crashes, and falls. Even though most mild head injuries might not cause long-term brain damage, they can lead to a brain function disruption lasting for several weeks. So, what are the dos and don’ts after a head injury;

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The Dos


It is important to ensure that you are getting enough sleep at night. You can also take some naps in the daytime. For instance, do not sleep for less than eight hours at night. Also, make sure that you are sleeping in a quiet and dark room.


You need to avoid hard and strenuous tasks after a head injury, in addition to getting enough rest. This is necessary to give your brain enough space for the healing process. Make sure that you are relaxed in a calm environment to make the healing process quick.


Make sure that you are taking good quality nutrition and a balanced diet to make it easy for the healing process. You can consult a professional for help on the kind of meals you should be taking and in what proportions.

Ask For Help

You do not have to walk this journey alone. If you need any help, you should feel free to ask for help from your friends and family without any hesitation.

These people can remind you about things that you could forget and guide you towards your recovery. They can also handle some tasks for you to make sure that you have enough time to rest.


You should be drinking a lot of water after a head injury. Did you know that more than half of the human body is made up of water and that the brain, as well as the heart, are made up of 73% water?

You need to make sure that your brain is not dehydrated at any time after a head injury. Dehydration can lead to things like organ problems and headaches. Hydrating allows your brain to get rid of any harmful toxins that might exist after an injury.

Take Time Off Digital Screens

Unplugging plays a crucial role in helping patients recover from head injuries. You, therefore, need to try as much as you can to avoid your computer screen, laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone.

These screens can make your mind and eyes strain especially due to lighting and brightness. If you have to use any of these devices, make sure that you are doing it only when it is necessary. It is even better to turn them off. This can also help you beat sleeping problems.

The Don’ts

Avoid Exercising and Sports

It is important to consult a physician before you engage in any sports activities or even exercise. This should be done after a full recovery.

Avoid Strenuous and High-Risk Activities

Can you imagine what can happen to you if you got a second head injury before fully recovering from the first one? This can be very dangerous. To avoid this, do not engage in any strenuous or high-risk activities.

Avoid Driving

You might have to take some medication after a head injury. In addition, the injury might leave you unstable. This means that you need to avoid driving and even take some time off work for you to recover.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

You might be tempted to take alcohol due to the boredom that might follow long hours of rest or staying indoors.

Other patients take caffeine to help with brain fog or cognitive fatigue. Well, these are things you need to avoid not unless advised otherwise by a professional. This is because they slow down the recovery process.

Concussion First Aid

Knowing the dos and don’ts after a head injury is very good when it comes to helping with recovery. However, you can shorten the recovery time even further by learning about concussion first aid. It is important to note that what you do immediately after a head injury matters.

Always Take Care of Yourself During and After a Head Injury

Head injury symptoms will come and go before you recover. This means that you will have some days when you feel like you have fully recovered and other days when you cannot even feel yourself.

You, therefore, need to always take care of yourself during and after a head injury. Do not even attempt to resume your normal activities or schedule without consulting a physician. It is important to note that some symptoms might return after resuming your normal activities, making it important to ensure that you have fully recovered.


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