Since around 70% of the total adult American population suffers from overweight or obesity, it has become the country’s number one priority in the health care system to teach people how to efficiently lose weight and narrow down their chances of developing heart disease problems or diabetes.

Unfortunately, with the whole splurge of “vegan” and “natural” foods people have forgotten to read the labels of the products and are willing to pay up to three times more for something marketed as being organic, green or healthy.
And there wouldn’t be anything wrong with it if the products they were buying were actually made 100% out of organic, farm grown ingredients and had no preservatives.
However, many brands learned their roundabouts through the laws and developed their own misinterpreted vocabulary which may lead thousands of people to buy products which are not entirely green, organic, vegan or natural.
Whole wheat bread, for instance, is marketed as the best bread choice available on the market. With no preservatives or processed ingredients, whole wheat flour is used to bake numerous types of bread rich in fibers and vitamins but low on calories, thus good for our bodies.
But exactly how many of the “whole wheat” products syndrome is actually healthy for us?
Here is a list of what to avoid if you are looking for a healthy diet and lower down the calories intake.
Made with whole grains
Products marketed that way, including breads may have small traces of whole grains in them but are certainly not the real deal. The potential benefits of whole wheat bread are many but unless the product contains them 100%, it is not worth the deal.
Grains used in this type of marketed products could be either whole or refined. No matter the number of different grains in the product, if they are all refined, you will only add unnecessary calories into your diet and lots of sugars or fats.
The bottom line is that unless the label states “100 percent whole wheat bread”, the bread you are looking for is not pure and may contain many types of processed grains which are bad for your health.
Luckily, whole wheat bread comes with numerous advantages and benefits so if you are looking for a balanced diet, ways to lose weight naturally and slimmer your figure, here are some ways in which whole wheat bread might help you:
Diminishes risk of heart diseases
Studies published in “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” claim that whole wheat bread regular consumption reduces the risk of heart diseases, including the risk of coronary heart disease.
The daily amount of whole wheat bread recommended by the USDA is 6 ounces of grains for women and 7-8 ounces of bread for men. One slice of bread is approximately one ounce so eating up to 6 slices of whole wheat bread daily will not only slimmer your figure but also fight heart diseases.
Lowers the risk of weight gain
Other studies published in the same journal claim that women who ate constantly whole grains weighed less than women who didn’t include them in their daily diets.
Also, women who introduced whole wheat products to their daily diet had a 49% lower risk of gaining weight than women who used refined grain products in their diets such as white bread.
Maintains the health of your bowel
Not least, whole wheat bread contains a high amount of fiber which will balance your bowel and intestines and make you stronger and healthier by the day.
Whole grain foods will provide comfort for the irritable bowel syndrome and will also help you with your daily stools, thus eliminating body toxins faster.