Overview & Description
Flying in an airplane and other activities that cause sharp rises or falls in altitude can make the ears clog uncomfortably. Certain steps can help unclog the ears during unavoidable altitude changes.
Who is a candidate for the procedure?
This procedure is helpful whenever a person feels their ears clog due to a sudden change in altitude or pressure. This might occur when:
How is the procedure performed?
The eustachian tube runs from the back of the nose to the middle or inner ear. It helps keep air pressure roughly the same on both sides of the eardrum.
When the tube is blocked for any reason, unequal pressure in the middle ear tugs the eardrum toward the inner ear. This muffles vibration and sounds. It also causes the clogging sensation. It can be quite painful.
For relief, a person should try swallowing or yawning several times. Other tips that may make takeoff and landing in a plane more comfortable are:
If these tips do not work, a person can try another procedure. The person should pinch shut both nostrils, breathe in a mouthful of air, and with the mouth closed, use the cheek and throat muscles to push the air toward the back of the nose as if trying to blow it very gently. This should not be done forcefully.
Preparation & Expectations
What happens right after the procedure?
As soon as the ears seem to pop, the pressure and discomfort are relieved.
Home Care and Complications
What happens later at home?
The person generally feels back to normal after the ears clear.
What are the potential complications after the procedure?
If a person has a cold or sinus infection, pressure changes caused by air travel or trying to unclog the ears too forcefully may raise the risk of an ear infection.
Article type: xmedgeneral