Soon-to-be-mother’s Pregnancy To-do List for Each Trimester

A small being is growing inside the womb, the body is showing radical changes, and those hormones are affecting your mood, likings, and appetite – these are the signs of pregnancy that can make you feel unpleasant at times.

Well, that is normal and each would-be mother simply accepts them as they are. However, she also has a good chance and control over her pregnancy to ensure a stable, more pleasant, and safe tenure.

pregnant lady
A pregnant lady; image source:

This is possible by making a to-do list that is essential or beneficial for yours and your baby’s health. As the small one is on the way, it becomes more necessary than before to prepare for the changing body as well as the changing lifestyle. Here is a comprehensive checklist for the same:

During the First Trimester (1-13 Weeks)

Weeks 1-3:

Week one includes the first day of the previous period cycle. During this week to the third one, you start:

  • Having the prenatal multivitamins daily that are rich in folic acid (600 to 800mcg per day), consuming the healthiest diet possible, and an appointment with a genetic counselor if you presume a risk of an inherited disorder for the baby.
  • Investigating into the insurance coverage for the prenatal care, quit smoking and drinking, cut down caffeine intake, and take some belly photos to make your own pregnancy journal.
  • Making a birth plan. Who would be your doctor or gynecologist? Would you prefer giving birth in a hospital? Or is it that you will be happy to deliver through the assistance of a midwife?

Weeks 4-6:

In the fourth week, you would call your doctor for an ultrasound pregnancy test and find out what you should and should not eat or do during pregnancy. After getting a positive test result, you should:

  • Pick up and read some pregnancy books.
  • Schedule a dental appointment, as gums tend to bleed and swell during pregnancy.
  • Ensure that the workplace is safe (free from pollutants and harmful substances).
  • Buy some extra supportive bras, particularly if the breasts are expanding to a full cup size, which happens in most women within the first few weeks.

Weeks 7-9:

During this period, you should:

  • Find out about your maternity leave options in your company, if you are working.
  • Go for the first ultrasound test, if your obstetrician had informed you to do so during the eight week.
  • Consider taking all the prenatal tests.
  • Look for childbirth classes or childbirth-prep courses in your area, which help expectant couples and teach parenting basics and pain relief methods. Note that these classes fill up early, so do sign up early.

Weeks 10-13:

During this period, you should:

  • Go for the diagnostic test called Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) for chromosomal disorders during the 10th to 12th
  • Go for a nuchal translucency exam during the 12th week for detecting the other chromosomal abnormalities.

Second Trimester (14-28 Weeks)

Weeks 14-21:

During this period, you should:

  • Shop for maternity clothes.
  • Think of baby names.
  • Start with some prenatal Yoga exercises by the 14th week to build flexibility and strength, and improve agility, posture, and balance.
  • Ask your doctor about a multi-detection test for detecting several defects such as neural-tube and chromosomal abnormalities (done during the 15-to 20-week period).
  • Think seriously about how you want your delivery and labor.
  • Inform everyone, including your employer that you are pregnant and plan who will work on your behalf in your absence.
  • Go for amniocentesis during the 18th week, if you are 25+ to screen genetic disorders.
  • Go for a standard ultrasound test to know the growth of your baby and the gender, if it is not an offense to do so.

Weeks 22-28:

During this period, you should:

  • Start shopping for nursery accessories and baby’s essentials, such as strollers, bedding, wipes, diapers, and other stuff.
  • Work on baby shower dates and get to know the feeding options through a lactation consultant.
  • Start attending the chosen childbirth class.
  • Go for a baby moon by the 25th
  • Go for a glucose screening test to check for gestation diabetes during the 26thto 28th
  • Look for child care options such as nannies (need interviewing) or day-care centers.
  • Consider getting a life insurance policy.

Third Trimester (29-40 Weeks)

Weeks 29-32:

During this period, you should:

  • Finalize the birth plans (but they may change).
  • Baby proof your home by removing anything that can harm your little one and installing a smoke alarm.
  • Pack your hospital bag.
  • Discuss any traveling plans with the doctor.

Weeks 33-40:

During this period, you should:

  • Interview the nurses and labor coaches.
  • Decide who will take care of the home and older siblings for some days after your delivery.
  • Purchase any additional nursing gear.
  • Consult a cord bank if you wish to donate cord blood useful for treating genetic disorders.
  • Store all useful numbers in your phone’s SIM card, such as that of the doctor, nurse, family, and friends for getting their instant help on time.
  • Prepare your home to have a dedicated baby’s room, stocked frozen meals, and clean environment.
  • Find the shortest/fastest route to the hospital for delivery.
  • Rest until the labor pain starts.

We hope this comprehensive guide will help you in planning your pregnancy and labor more effectively and with less complications.


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